I'm back at work now after taking a week off and did some traveling. I'm not sure if I've mentioned that we initially we're gonna go to San Francisco to meet up with my Uncle flying in from Norway for a conference. We ended up not going since the costs would be a bit too much with finding a hotel, the plane ticket, then getting around the bay area. Just need to plan it out more I guess. So after Cali was scratched, we considered Canada but you needed a passport to go there which C- doesn't have at this time.
We chose Orlando since his sister that's about to have a baby lives there. We opted to drive and 4 hours in, we got a call saying that his sister had a baby boy so derr. It was a 13-hr drive and we just alternated every 3 hours so it wasn't bad. I was nervous since his mom was there also from Puerto Rico. She's staying indefinitely to help with her new grandson. Meeting them went well over all I think. C-s brother in law was great too, he learned a lot of computer tricks from yours truly :P His mom was commenting how quiet I was, but that's how I usually am when I meet new folks. Once I warm up though, you can't shut me up at times. The previous pic was the only pic I have really, C- and I don't have any pics together since it was pretty much raining when we're out and about.
Central Florida was nice. Will see how the next few months go and we're considering moving there come next summer. That scholarship I have is only good in Florida and will expire next winter, 3 years after I got out of the mil. But will see.. On the way back, stopped by Savannah which was a lovely city. We hang around for 2 hours and took the tour around the historic district, will definitely have to come back. We watched Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, so now you got two people in the house running around saying "Two tears in a bucket, motherfuck it!"
During my time away from work, there was the transition happening since the contract was won by another company as I mentioned previously. A bunch of coworkers were let go and today's their last day. I'm not at our main office though, and subbing at the satellite by myself. The new company took me on board but will see how it'll go here on out. That's what's been going on really, getting a bit stressed but oh well, that's part of life.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Speeder biker for once
Taken at MGM Studios, forgot what the new name is. Hollywood ???? Haha, some folks were wondering what the heck I'm riding. Pardon for being vague *kisses

Only pic in Disney :D, originally uploaded by d_edrick.
Only pic in Disney :D, originally uploaded by d_edrick.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Guess what can make you slap somebody!?
I know, it's not a real post but was going through my archives and I don't think some folks know these lessons.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Always remember
When we become angry, upset, or disappointed with someone, we forget the good they have done. We seem to think people must prove themselves to us again and again. If ever they fail to live up to our expectations, we are quick to voice our dismay. The ancient Africans taught that if a person is good to you, you must forever speak good of them. They believed the good always outlives the not so good. In order to keep the good flowing, you must speak of it. The ancestors taught that we must honor those who helped us when we were in need, regardless of what they do now. We must honor those who taught us, even if we no longer use the lessons. We must remember with a kind word the road someone else has paved for us, no matter where or how they travel now. Everything we receive in life is food for our growth. If we eat from the plate, we must give thanks. Remembering, without that food, at that time, we may have starved.
Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant
Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant
Monday, September 15, 2008
Is it luck...
"Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known."
E-mailing a friend and was telling him about C- and thought about this post. I knew what I wanted to an extent, and sometimes I think I get scared how effortlessly C- came into my life after that one evening we met. He was really everything I was looking for in a bf, and I have come to love everything, imperfections and all. I certainly am far from perfect and need to remember that you can always love someone, despite of them :)
E-mailing a friend and was telling him about C- and thought about this post. I knew what I wanted to an extent, and sometimes I think I get scared how effortlessly C- came into my life after that one evening we met. He was really everything I was looking for in a bf, and I have come to love everything, imperfections and all. I certainly am far from perfect and need to remember that you can always love someone, despite of them :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Well, what do you know!? The friend I wrote about few posts ago e-mailed to tell me what's been going on. Thank god his sister didn't think it was strange e-mailing back a guy she never met. It's funny how he remembers how I have a big collection of pictures which sadly are in a hard drive that crashed (still trying to recover things). I'll have to fly down to LA soon and meet him. This makes me happy to hear back from him.
Aside from that, caught the flu Thursday evening so trying to recoup from that. Just been thinking some things over that I really can't talk about since I'm confused myself. It happens :D
Aside from that, caught the flu Thursday evening so trying to recoup from that. Just been thinking some things over that I really can't talk about since I'm confused myself. It happens :D
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Frog Prince he isn't...
I think I might start dedicating a 'song' to a fellow blogger. This is an old song by Keane named The Frog Prince and I've been listening to it daily on my way and back from work. It made me think of Steven since the first post of his I read was one where he felt like the prince, after Robert asked me if I knew of his blog. Steven has come a long way I can tell and I'm glad about that :)
An old fairytale told me
The simple heart will be prized again
A toad will be our king
And ugly ogres our heroes
Then you'll shake
Your fist at the sky
"Oh why did I rely
On fashions and small fry?"
All promises broken
Feed your people or lose your throne
And forfeit your whole kingdom
I'd sooner lose it than still live in it alone
You were our golden child
But the gentle and the mild
Inherit the earth, while
Your prince's crown
Cracks and falls down
Your castle hollow and cold
You've wandered so far
From the person you are
Let go brother, let go
Cos now we all know
Soon, someone will put a spell on you
Perfume, treasure, sorcery, every trick they know
You will lie in a deep sleep
That's when
Your prince's crown
Cracks and falls down
Your castle hollow and cold
You've wandered so far
From the person you are
Let go brother, let go
Cos now we all know
An old fairytale told me
The simple heart will be prized again
A toad will be our king
And ugly ogres our heroes
Then you'll shake
Your fist at the sky
"Oh why did I rely
On fashions and small fry?"
All promises broken
Feed your people or lose your throne
And forfeit your whole kingdom
I'd sooner lose it than still live in it alone
You were our golden child
But the gentle and the mild
Inherit the earth, while
Your prince's crown
Cracks and falls down
Your castle hollow and cold
You've wandered so far
From the person you are
Let go brother, let go
Cos now we all know
Soon, someone will put a spell on you
Perfume, treasure, sorcery, every trick they know
You will lie in a deep sleep
That's when
Your prince's crown
Cracks and falls down
Your castle hollow and cold
You've wandered so far
From the person you are
Let go brother, let go
Cos now we all know
Monday, September 8, 2008
Mamma Mia
It was a lazy day yesterday and we just ended up staying home and taking it slow. There were talks about going to Rehoboth Beach but with it being 3 hours away, we opted out of going. As I've previously mentioned, my mom is all moved in at our place. We helped her move the previous Friday and spent most of Saturday tidying up the apartment. We're still trying to sell some things on Craigslist and have a few to go.
It's actually been good overall. There's gonnabe some adjustments to be made but I think we'll be just fine. Still need to get my mom to shut up when watching a movie haha. She would just keep on and on and on, comments about the movie, or how it reminded her about this or that. It's funny since we're the complete opposites that she can talk forever while I'm the quiet one. I wonder if it's because she talked a lot. My uncle asks her sometimes how she managed to raise me since she's crazy (in a good way) and I turned out completely not like her. She's great though, she's almost 50 and doesn't act like one which is a good thing. Just little things that might need some work, this victim mentality where she's still blaming my dad over EVERYthing. It's funny how she'll find a way to sneak that in every convo but oh well, hopefully in time. I've had to always remind her that her life is nobody else's responsibility but hers, and she ended up where she is because of her choices. Isn't it the same for everyone!? It's all up to us to try to rise up of the 'bad' situations and do what you can to be in a better place if something isn't working out for you.
Aside from that, C- and I got to see Mamma Mia recently and it was a good movie, I'd have to say. We got free tickets for a 'screening' of the sing-along version and it was just fun! You've got folks singing along and towards the end, some got up and started dancing. It made me smile and glad I was there to witness it. One of their song reminded me when I was trying to get this one guy to meet up with me 'Take a chance on meeeeee.' Isn't he glad he did!? kidding!!! Crazy how a song can take you back places.
So that's about it. We're gonna scratch the idea of going to San Francisco later on this month since it'll add up a LOT. But pretty much, we were gonna go so we can meet up with my Uncle who's flying in from Norway for a conference. We initally thought we were staying with him since his company will provide a hotel but he only was able to find a single room. With the three of us, C-, Mama and I coming, that's not really gonna work. C- and I might just rent a car and drive up to Toronto. Never been so actually excited if we do go, need to make decisions though since it's in 2 weeks. Anyone been/live there? Any suggestions of places to see, things to do!?
It's actually been good overall. There's gonnabe some adjustments to be made but I think we'll be just fine. Still need to get my mom to shut up when watching a movie haha. She would just keep on and on and on, comments about the movie, or how it reminded her about this or that. It's funny since we're the complete opposites that she can talk forever while I'm the quiet one. I wonder if it's because she talked a lot. My uncle asks her sometimes how she managed to raise me since she's crazy (in a good way) and I turned out completely not like her. She's great though, she's almost 50 and doesn't act like one which is a good thing. Just little things that might need some work, this victim mentality where she's still blaming my dad over EVERYthing. It's funny how she'll find a way to sneak that in every convo but oh well, hopefully in time. I've had to always remind her that her life is nobody else's responsibility but hers, and she ended up where she is because of her choices. Isn't it the same for everyone!? It's all up to us to try to rise up of the 'bad' situations and do what you can to be in a better place if something isn't working out for you.
Aside from that, C- and I got to see Mamma Mia recently and it was a good movie, I'd have to say. We got free tickets for a 'screening' of the sing-along version and it was just fun! You've got folks singing along and towards the end, some got up and started dancing. It made me smile and glad I was there to witness it. One of their song reminded me when I was trying to get this one guy to meet up with me 'Take a chance on meeeeee.' Isn't he glad he did!? kidding!!! Crazy how a song can take you back places.
So that's about it. We're gonna scratch the idea of going to San Francisco later on this month since it'll add up a LOT. But pretty much, we were gonna go so we can meet up with my Uncle who's flying in from Norway for a conference. We initally thought we were staying with him since his company will provide a hotel but he only was able to find a single room. With the three of us, C-, Mama and I coming, that's not really gonna work. C- and I might just rent a car and drive up to Toronto. Never been so actually excited if we do go, need to make decisions though since it's in 2 weeks. Anyone been/live there? Any suggestions of places to see, things to do!?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
You become responsible FOREVERrrrrr
To go along with my last post, an excerpt from my favorite book....
"Goodbye," said the fox.
"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."
"It is the time I have wasted for my rose — " said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember.
"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."
"I am responsible for my rose," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
The Little Prince*
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
*Yay, for this being a public domain, you get to read it for free. I don't have one at this time since I gave it all away
"Goodbye," said the fox.
"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."
"It is the time I have wasted for my rose — " said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember.
"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."
"I am responsible for my rose," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
The Little Prince*
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
*Yay, for this being a public domain, you get to read it for free. I don't have one at this time since I gave it all away
This is why the blog title applies....
Well, an old friend of mine Guy Maki e-mailed me this early on in our friendship. I still wonder about him sometimes as to how he's doing. It's been a looong time since we've spoken, I've called the number I have of his and has left a voicemail numerous times but no avail. Last I spoke to him was Christmas 2005 when I moved back to the U.S.
We became friends through Yahoo Messenger, funny how I've met his ex but has never seen Guy in person. Maybe this will come up if someone googles him. We used to talk through webcams and all. Though the first time he ended up viewing mine, I was being 'naughty.' Yea, yea I had my moments but it was more tongue-in-cheek. But really though, I preferred chatting face to face since what's the point of chatting with someone if all you see is their penis.
Last time I spoke to him, it was just right after Katrina hit. He survived it though and since then nada, and it's been 3 years. I was going through old e-mails and it made me smile. I miss my friend. They used to be my fashion adviser when I went on dates, and they consoled me when I got my heart broken when I'm just starting to learn how the dating world worked.
There's a saying Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. I do smile when I think about some friends I've lost but yet, wish it didn't have to end. But damn it Guy, where the hell are you!?
Would it be stalkerish if I show up in Lousiana one day in front of his door to check up on him? I've e-mailed his sister once to check on him and she did reply back haha. Be honest whoever reads this. Would it spook you out if a guy you've only talked online showed up on your doorstep?
I guess it's more of a closure. Either that, or I'm trying to hold onto things that I know I should let go. Granted we were only 'online buddies' but still, when I become friends with someone, I'll keep them for life. This goes out to bloggers I've met and haven't. I might not always text or call, I'll admit I'm worried you might think I'm overdoing it, (so der, it all boils down to fear), but I do wonder how you are when I happen to be driving, or just sitting at work 'thinking.'
So to friends I have met and have yet to meet, if you do decide to stop blogging, please keep in mind to at least leave us a farewell post or something. I know you're free to do whatever you choose since it's your blog. But it sucks to be left hanging in the air not knowing whatever happens to somebody. It might sound silly, but it does matter to some. That's all I ask of you but still, thanks for the time we've shared.
Hey you!
Hey you!
...in answer to your question "why am I like you?"...well...
ummmm???...like the little phrases you put in your emails sometimes...the choices represents the sensitive and caring part of you. HEY...that's a good thing!!!---of course YOU DO KNOW that gay guys seem to have the "sensitive thing" go'in on!
...when we talk about family, friends, experiences, and such. You've even cried.....BUT.....I hold the WORLD RECORD FOR THAT BUDDY--(for a guy that is). That proves you have a good kind heart.
....and you like to joke around, have fun, and make the other person feel better before yourself. You are very unselfish.
...uMMMM? YOU CAN BE A LITTLE ASS SOMETIMES TOO! hehe (didn't mean to type that in big letters... I just didn't want to go back and re-type it)...haha
...you treat your friends like family
...and you understand that just mak'in someone smile or laugh can turn their "ho-hum" day right around!
Thanks for being a great friend. ALot of people could take lessons from you.
We became friends through Yahoo Messenger, funny how I've met his ex but has never seen Guy in person. Maybe this will come up if someone googles him. We used to talk through webcams and all. Though the first time he ended up viewing mine, I was being 'naughty.' Yea, yea I had my moments but it was more tongue-in-cheek. But really though, I preferred chatting face to face since what's the point of chatting with someone if all you see is their penis.
Last time I spoke to him, it was just right after Katrina hit. He survived it though and since then nada, and it's been 3 years. I was going through old e-mails and it made me smile. I miss my friend. They used to be my fashion adviser when I went on dates, and they consoled me when I got my heart broken when I'm just starting to learn how the dating world worked.
There's a saying Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. I do smile when I think about some friends I've lost but yet, wish it didn't have to end. But damn it Guy, where the hell are you!?
Would it be stalkerish if I show up in Lousiana one day in front of his door to check up on him? I've e-mailed his sister once to check on him and she did reply back haha. Be honest whoever reads this. Would it spook you out if a guy you've only talked online showed up on your doorstep?
I guess it's more of a closure. Either that, or I'm trying to hold onto things that I know I should let go. Granted we were only 'online buddies' but still, when I become friends with someone, I'll keep them for life. This goes out to bloggers I've met and haven't. I might not always text or call, I'll admit I'm worried you might think I'm overdoing it, (so der, it all boils down to fear), but I do wonder how you are when I happen to be driving, or just sitting at work 'thinking.'
So to friends I have met and have yet to meet, if you do decide to stop blogging, please keep in mind to at least leave us a farewell post or something. I know you're free to do whatever you choose since it's your blog. But it sucks to be left hanging in the air not knowing whatever happens to somebody. It might sound silly, but it does matter to some. That's all I ask of you but still, thanks for the time we've shared.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Leave me alone I'm lonely
I've never heard of the Enneagram of Personality until this morning, thanks to English. All this personality tests are essentially the same but it still fascinates me nonetheless. It's funny how I like reading on these things when I already know what some of the 'things' I have to deal with. I'm a Four and here's what it said about my type.
Romantics have sensitive feelings and are warm and perceptive.
How to Get Along with Me
- Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me.
- Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me to learn to love and value myself.
- Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision.
- Though I don't always want to be cheered up when I'm feeling melancholy, I sometimes like to have someone lighten me up a little.
- Don't tell me I'm too sensitive or that I'm overreacting!
What I Like About Being a FOUR
- my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feeling at a deep level
- my ability to establish warm connections with people
- admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life
- my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor
- being unique and being seen as unique by others
- having aesthetic sensibilities
- being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me
What's Hard About Being a FOUR
- experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair
- feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don't deserve to be loved
- feeling guilty when I disappoint people
- feeling hurt or attacked when someone misundertands me
- expecting too much from myself and life
- fearing being abandoned
- obsessing over resentments
- longing for what I don't have
FOURs as Children Often
- have active imaginations: play creatively alone or organize playmates in original games
- are very sensitive
- feel that they don't fit in
- believe they are missing something that other people have
- attach themselves to idealized teachers, heroes, artists, etc.
- become antiauthoritarian or rebellious when criticized or not understood
- feel lonely or abandoned (perhaps as a result of a death or their parents' divorce)
- help their children become who they really are
- support their children's creativity and originality
- are good at helping their children get in touch with their feelings
- are sometimes overly critical or overly protective
- are usually very good with children if not too self-absorbed
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Hair all gone
This will probably be my hairstyle the rest of my life. I miss my curls
sometimes *sniff sniff
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