I have to write a post with 8 facts/things/habits about myself and say who tagged me. In the end, you will need to choose the 6 people to tag and list their names. I'm not going to (^_^) I don't know that much bloggers any longer.
She wants me to list EIGHT things she doesn't already know about me, which I thought was pretty easy. Lemme see....
1. I pooped in my pants when I was in the first grade. Ms Lorena, my teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom after my pleading and begging. We were grading our tests that morning which was apparently more important than letting a student use the bathroom. I was only able to hold it so long hehe
2. For a field trip, we went to a children's game show and I was part of the winning team. It ended up being a different kid that got my prize since I didn't know where to go to claim it
3. I know the choreography to the performance below by heart. It was my anthem for quite a while when I lived in the dormitories back in '04. My suitemate (guy I shared the bathroom with) ended up liking the song he asked me what the name of it was so he can get it
4. There was a time I was wishing for a brown baby powder so this won't happen
5. I was a purikura whore when I lived in Japan. It's a type of photo booth but you can do soooo much more on your picture, like this one

6. My friend's plant almost died when he had me take care of it
7. I blacked out the first time I drank rum and coke. I was 20 (legal age since I was at an overseas base)
8. I've written a more extensive list once
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