Monday, December 11, 2006

Life's been good....

It's 0428 and I'm awake after getting woken up by a phone call around 0300. I kinda got drunk dialled by my friend M- in our Air Force days. He lives in Washington, along with my other friend C-. As some of you were aware, I considered moving to WA right after I got out of the military. Was gonna go to school full time, and become roommates with C-. But of course, that didn't happen as I am now in Northern Va.

It's actually been good so far. I got back to Virginia Saturday night around 2230 (10:L30 pm) though I didn't get to home 'til about midnight or so since my car had problems starting. I ended up having to call the security to have them jump start it for me. Got home, and went straight to bed (if I remember correctly) since I'm gonna have to make a 3-hour drive to move to my new place. That, and pack too for I didn't do it before I left for Cali. Got up the next day, and sorted through my things and figure out what stuff I'm definitely gonna need the first week, mostly work clothes, and such. I'll admit, I was getting stressed since I had all the time in the world and waited the last minute to pack my things. My plan was to leave first thing in the morning, but I didn't get to leave til about 4 in the afternoon. I made it to my new home around 1930 and pretty much hauled my stuff in and got my room set up. I don't have any furnitures yet, so took my air mattress with me so I'll have something to sleep on.

Thing was I didn't sleep AT ALL the night before my start date. The first day was pretty much an orientation at the company HQ. I really don't know why I couldn't sleep, I don't think I was that anxious about everything that's happening that it'll keep me up all night. The briefing was an all day event, and it went by smootly. It was really cold outside and the wind was blowing really hard too. Good thing I brought my overcoat. I finally found the jacket that I've been wanting to get. It's a knee-length camel overcoat, and I've been wanting one since 2003. Came across it at H&M so grabbed it since it was 50 % off too. Wow, guess clothes do make a difference. I felt good just walking around with it on, I felt like an exec. I can't help not to giggle when I pass by my reflection. I was just thinking Who is that staring at me? It felt like a dream, me walking around all adult-like and doing grown up things. At the orientation, I met one woman that I was gonna be working with, and she seemed pretty nice. She's a bit older, but it was nice to have a woman in the department. Since I started, she's kinda like the mother hen for us four guys that work for her. She usually calls us babe if we ask her questions, which I thought was just sweet. I got my company badge too. I thought it was just a temporary ID but good thing I smiled since it was something I'm gonna be keeping for who knows how long. Well, God does *grins but yea, maybe I'll scan it so you can see. Topher's first real world job.
The first week has been good so far. The first day went fine. I got up really early since I wasn't sure how long the commute will take. To get to work, I actually catch a bus that's right by the apartment complex where I live. Catch the Metro Bus and after that, it makes stops at a few more places before getting on the HOV lane to take us to the Pentagon station. From there, I catch the Metro to get to work. It's awesome, they have an underground mall and across the street from our building, there is even a park. It was the location that won me over too. I wanted to get a city feel where I'm working and I sure got it. Though I really haven't been eating outside because it gets really cold, and I'm still trying to get used to the cold weather. I heard it snows here too so will see. I'm getting the hang of commuting now, and it is so much better than driving to and from work. I'll be commuting unless I absolutely have to drive. I'm actually happy at this point in my life. I think being out of the military, I feel more in control now. Before, I had the family to make decisions for me. Then, when I joined the military, it was out of fear since I didn't feel like I had a way out. It's not that it was bad living with my aunt and her family, but I dunno, it's not the same living with your mom or dad. I really wanted to go back live with my dad again, but somehow I thought that everything that was happening was my doing and that I deserved even the bad things happening to me. Anyway, since I started my terminal leave on the 16th, I just had this feeling of calmness. I feel more at peace, though there's still family issues that is going on. Maybe I can talk about it later since I just wanna keep this post relevant to my move. It's been good though. I actually have had a smile on my face getting to and from work.
I have yet to explore more of the area but I'll get to those in due time. This past weekend, I went back to Hampton to pack up more of my things. I have 'til the 20th to vacate the apartment, so will take care of the rest this upcoming weekend. Eventhough I ended up spending the night there, I really didn't get to do much. Just sat there, or laid around just thinking a whole lot of nothing. The Christmas spirit even caught me, and I was there donwstairs, laying down in the carpet around midnight, with a Bacardi in one hand and listening to some Christmas music. When the Jackson 5 song, Give Love On Christmas Day came on, it's what got me. I cried a bit just listening to it. I'm not really sure why, but guess it just happens sometimes. After that though, I was laughing like a hyena, watching some America's Funniest Home Videos clips. I also checked out some Wii clips, and playing one seems really exciting. I think I might get one eventually. I'm trying to get my dad to get me one, so will see. I was saying it in a joking way, but it'll be neat if he does get me one. He's called a few times just to check up to see how I was doing so that's really quite something. It's a complete turn around from not getting a letter, or even a call from him.
Anyway, why am I telling you all this? Just kiddin. Good thing I'm wide awake right now, eventhough I slept like four hours this morning. That was really unexpected and I'll admit it made my day. That was really random, but they said they were chatting and I came up in the convo, so they figured they'd wake me up and have me join in. It made me miss hanging out with them. It seemed like it was yesterday we were all living in the same building, then now we're across the continent. They're trying to get me to visit so I just might...maybe next month!?
I'm still trying to get caught up with the things that we do here. Two days into the job and I'm answering calls already. It doesn't look like it's too bad, though I don't like it how our power is very limited and I can't help out the customer as much as I'd want to. It's too early to say, I'll give it a year and see how it goes. It's been good though so for all I know I might end up staying in this area. I also like having a Mon-Fri schedule. I can get used to that. This way, I can make commitments and not have to back out due to a schedule change or something. Do some volunteer work, take classes even, and go to the gym too. That way my abs would finally show. I never really bothered with getting a flat stomach, but from what I've been reading, it'll be good for my health. I'm sure if I do some sort of exercise, the love handles would go away. And to think I used to say how cute they were, I guess they still are as long as it's not mine. I'm okay the way I am  but if there's some things that can be improved, why not?
Aside from that, gotta work on meeting new people too. I've met one guy to be friends with, but I oughta branch out more and try to meet peeps from all walks of life. There's always something to learn from everyone, I always thought. Maybe a boyfriend soon?  Not that I'm looking, but if it happens that'll be grand. I got close to having one and I sure do like the feeling. 
Well, hope nobody had a case of the moondays... Me going home now. 

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