So the weekend... Friday night, we ended up having my mom and her friend over for dinner. They brought some Peruvian meal which was good. We just sat on the floor since we're not using the dining table and watched Takeshi's Castle which I've enjoyed watching since I was a kid. One of the things that made me want to live in Japan. I mean where else can you see this type a game show these days. Never fails to crack me up...
Saturday, we made our rounds to some stores trying to pick out some things for the apartment. The bedroom's been painted, bathroom's done with matching shower curtains, rugs, etc. The only thing left is the living room. Spend most of the day doing that really, then in the evening met up with this one couple we've e-mailed with in the past few weeks for dinner at Thai Chili. It was nice, spent it mostly talking and laughing, getting to know each other. Us four balanced each other out it looks like, you've got 2 introverts and 2 extroverts. We touched up on different topics, relationships, psychology, coming out, etc so it was interesting. We've talked about getting together again so hopefully that happens soon since at times, when I meet people online, we make plans that never materialiaze so that sucks but ah well. After that, we just went home and started watching Be Kind Rewind. It was alright, didn't like it much so I went to bed 20 minutes in.

Guess that's it for now, heading home shortly. Take care!
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