As far as the new job, I'm gonnabe starting much sooner than

expected since the process went through a lot faster, what with the background investigation having been done not too long ago. I actually used one of my blogger buddies as reference :D Thanks R! Ahh, the friends I've made through here really makes me smile, love 'em all. So Friday, I did put in my 2-week notice and will start the following Monday. I was actually gonna try to wait it out til after the holidays since I was considering going to Puerto Rico since C- was gonnabe there. I'm missing the dog sooo much which I never saw coming. Even C- and I talk about it sometimes and laugh about it now, since I'm not always so caring when I choose not to. So that, guess I'll see him when he comes back.
It's 2 AM as I'm writing this and I'm trying to stay up as much as I can since I'm working night shift this week. Will hit the sack in a bit though since I have to get up early to get the car looked at. It's been making this whirring noise on the left side at random times.
I was all happy today too after getting our quizzes back for Math. Mannn, I was making A's in the last few tests. If I'd have studied sooner, I won't have to retake it but durrr, I was a fool. I seriously considered skipping today since I was off, it felt like I had to be off from E-V-E-R-Y-thing, even school. Got home and mom ended up being in my room for a bit. She's a crier when she gets drunk, and was talking about the same stuff over and over. Just telling her to 'let it go' since she's holding on to things that one has no control over.
I've been making 'music videos' but nothing worth posting it yet. I need to find more male artists to listen to, somehow I mostly have girl. I wonder if being gay has got to do with it..What's love, but a second hand emotion. What's... Let me stop :D Here's the song I've been meaning to do, but somehow watching the vid makes me wanna find a big box to go in and "perform"
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