Ok, I'm still on lunch so figured I'd post a bit. The callers were starting to get to me and I was getting really annoyed so just stepped out of the office and went across the street for lunch. It was nice out today, the sun is shining and the wind just felt right.
I just sat on the thing that borders the plants (I can't think of the English word for it sorry!) and had my lunch which was tasty chicken and white rice. After a while, there was maybe one or two birds that landed close to where I was sitting, and that's when the idea came to give them some of my meal. I tore bits and pieces of the chicken, but after a while realized it would be easier for them to eat the rice instead. I took a spoonful and kinda just spread them out on the ground and before ya know it, maybe 15 birds gathered and had a go at it. Ok, I'll admit that just watching the birds got me all teary eyed. I just thought about how animals seems to be at peace with existence. That's what I thought anyways. Ya know, as long as they have a food to eat and a nest or a home to go to, it's enough. They're not too worried about what their purpose is in this planet and seems to be content in just being.
It just made me think of The Carpenter's song, that's all. Why do birds suddenly appear? Well today, it served as a reminder to just drop my grievances and aspire to stay happy. I know, I know it's a love song and all but the first line felt like it applied today to how things are. 

I haven't updated since Monday but everything's been good otherwise. I've briefly written about Cs- and we've pretty much seen each other just about everyday since we met this weekend. He moved to a new apartment so I've been over at his old place helping him pack. During those times, we'd just sit down and just talk about random things. I'll admit I'm a bit freaked out with the things he says since it felt like he went inside my brain, and gathered my thoughts, wishes and aspirations and said it out loud. We make each other laugh, him laughing at my dorkiness. Gah, I guess I am a dork if few people have called me that. I just feel really at ease with Cs- and it's a great feeling. The one day we didn't see each other we spoke for a good hour and later ended up talking on messenger.
That's a first I've gone on a "date" almost daily. I really try not to call it that, I just think Yay, I'll get to see him today. It's great just getting to spend time with him. Last night, we went out to Old Town to have dinner with his two friends. I didn't realize we were going right after the move so I left my wallet, my keys and my cellphone behind. After a while, I kinda forgot about it. It was nice, just sitting with them and talking. Even grabbed some home-made ice cream at a store after the meal. I guess store-made ice cream will be more fitting.
Well, just a little update. My mom's on the plane as I write, getting here to LA this evening. From there, fly to Dallas before landing in Pensacola. I got to talk to her last night (noon in the Philippines) as they were getting ready. I jokingly said how I could imagine her at the airport bawling her eyes out. She laughed and told me to shut up but she knows it's true. I'm much of a crier as she is and before, when a family member would leave, all the family would tag along to see them leave. My mom would start crying and before you know it, so does the 10 or 15 others, me included. She told me how she's not wearing make up since she didn't wanna look like a clown.
Ya know, it's been a good week overall really and I'm closing with a smile. Have a good weekend, whoever you are and keep on smiling.
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