Thursday, December 31, 2009
The Missing Piece
I think it's true for the end we hope to meet our Big O
Monday, December 7, 2009
New Day
So yea, it's off to a good start working at the new job. Just a bit of a dilemma though. With the whole quitting thing, I actually didn't leave my company after having talked to the manager, I had her yank the separation paper and asked her if she can find me a swings or a night shift position with the company. I need to talk to the guy I was working with the past month or two since he'd be open to keeping me, but not sure if he would if he finds out I can't come in til like 4 or so. Normally the swings do 2:30 til 10 but will see. Another bump is that where I work, they really don't have a parking lot so they're saying I might want to just catch the metro which would be fine, except I'm not sure how I can get to a second job if ever so maybe it's not fine.
Just had to let it out since it's been in my head all day and people I normally would talk to about it might get tired of hearing any of it.
Oooh, got my new glasses today. I've had the same one for two years now and I opted for a plastic ones instead of metal. I think it looks nice, haha! I just tried it on but didn't wanna wear it yet, oh my godd, that's my mom talking. Whenever we used to buy stuff, we don't actually wear it or whatever until a "special" occassion, makes me laugh now.
She's no longer living with me as of yesterday. She's still in the area but she's with her man now haha. The guy's nice and all but I CAN'T stand having him at the apartment ALL the time, it just feels awkward for me somehow so derrrr. I'm on the fence about getting a roommate since I get aggitated with some little things, like if people use the sink and not watch the areas around it that's wet, people stepping out of the shower into the rug while still soaked instead of drying off before getting out, I'm not the only one am I?
Weekend was good overall, hang out with my cousin on my dad's side that moved here to DC. I need to reach out to him more, I've just been cocooning myself lately over some things that's happened. But I kinda slipped in our conversation that I was gay like real casual. It came up how my dad and I haven't spoken for almost 2 years now, and I told him our communication went to a halt when I came out to him over the phone, so I think my cousin got it.
It's 12:30 and I can't sleep it. I have to be up in 4-5 hrs but am awake now which is odd. I was dozing off in class BIIIIG time even my classmate noticed, heh. Will just go read a book then, ni ni :)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's a blue, black blue Wednesday...
I just wanna ball up in a corner until I think it all through. It probably won't make much sense to others but I just needed to let it out.
Monday, November 23, 2009
As far as the new job, I'm gonnabe starting much sooner than

expected since the process went through a lot faster, what with the background investigation having been done not too long ago. I actually used one of my blogger buddies as reference :D Thanks R! Ahh, the friends I've made through here really makes me smile, love 'em all. So Friday, I did put in my 2-week notice and will start the following Monday. I was actually gonna try to wait it out til after the holidays since I was considering going to Puerto Rico since C- was gonnabe there. I'm missing the dog sooo much which I never saw coming. Even C- and I talk about it sometimes and laugh about it now, since I'm not always so caring when I choose not to. So that, guess I'll see him when he comes back.
It's 2 AM as I'm writing this and I'm trying to stay up as much as I can since I'm working night shift this week. Will hit the sack in a bit though since I have to get up early to get the car looked at. It's been making this whirring noise on the left side at random times.
I was all happy today too after getting our quizzes back for Math. Mannn, I was making A's in the last few tests. If I'd have studied sooner, I won't have to retake it but durrr, I was a fool. I seriously considered skipping today since I was off, it felt like I had to be off from E-V-E-R-Y-thing, even school. Got home and mom ended up being in my room for a bit. She's a crier when she gets drunk, and was talking about the same stuff over and over. Just telling her to 'let it go' since she's holding on to things that one has no control over.
I've been making 'music videos' but nothing worth posting it yet. I need to find more male artists to listen to, somehow I mostly have girl. I wonder if being gay has got to do with it..What's love, but a second hand emotion. What's... Let me stop :D Here's the song I've been meaning to do, but somehow watching the vid makes me wanna find a big box to go in and "perform"
Friday, November 13, 2009
Pick me, choose me
Just went home, and tried to fix my cousin's laptop. And just watched some TV. I seriously have to stop watching HGTV. The guy they had on was trying to find a place in Colorado Springs and it seriously made me wanna move there :D However, that will all depend with the potential job I was interviewing.
Well speaking of which, I got a call and an e-mail from them. I called the HR lady back and.... they picked me for the position! It won't be for another month or so before I can start with the paperwork and all. But I'm gonna take a break in between and maybe try to make my way to the West coast since it's been too long since I've been.
So that's what's going on. I'm watching Precious tonight so there's definitely gonnabe some crying. I'm looking forward to it, well seeing the movie :D The crying's just an extra which one needs time to time.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
States of Kris
So that, will see. If anything, come summer, I would consider relocating somewhere. TX, CA, AZ even. Weird as it may be, I just have this inkling to move to Arizona, granted I've never even visited, except for spending the night there en route to LA. So will see how this will pan out, my lease is 'til next summer anyways so who knows what will happen by then. I might try to live close to a city though, since I'm still in my concert-going phase, which has been quenched since moving to DC. I've gone to probably 20 concerts in 3 yrs I've lived here. That's one thing I love living here. If I do move though, it wouldn't be as rough as it was where you didn't know a single soul. This time, there will be two I'll go with so we'll manage somehow when the time comes.
I've sorta been in a funk these past few weeks, I dunno if the cold weather has partly do with it or what. but I've been reassessing things that have happened. Things I could have done better, times I could have been nicer, more loving, more thoughtful of others. But then, that's how one learns I think. You look back and do your best not to do those unloving things any longer. I think at times, I make things harder than they ought to be, and I really have to stop doing that.
The next shift's coming so will cut this short for now. Just need to drop something off at school, then will be making my way up to Baltimore to see The Cranberries, yay!! I've listened to them for like 15 yrs and it'll be awesome to finally see them live. I'm excited!!!!
A music vid's long overdue :D
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Epic fail
Gahhh, I did baaddddd on my Precalc test even the teacher told me he was perplexed when he saw it. Will stick it out though until this sem is over and that'll be that. I don't think I will be taking any classes next sem..
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Nailed it
I called work back and told them that I'm fine, and would make it in as soon as possible. I was getting ready to get on the car when I saw there's a bit of cars backed up so I called and opted to just call out. I pretty much spent Friday running and doing errands. Went to the mall and returned some things. It was a jacket that will be missed but I need to stop buying jackets. I seem to buy one or two every year so had to put a stop to that. When I got home, I actually waxed my car after the 'repair' the guy did. It took me a good hour to do it, during which I was jamming to my iPhone, when the music started slowing down. I was wondering what did that and alas, came to find out my battery died. I seriously didn't think that would happen but yep, my car died.
None of my neighbors were around so I tried getting the booster pack that I have that recharges from the outlet and would recharge the battery. But of course, it didn't work. Somehow in the process, I managed to leave the keys in the trunk and close it. I tried getting back in to the car but it locked itself already. I cannot believe that was happening!!! I'm glad my mom just left work and was able to get back in because of her.
Weekend was quiet for the most part. I drove up to Baltimore to meet up a guy I dated a while ago before I moved to DC. It was nice catching up with him in person after 2 yrs. We've kept in touch through occassional texting/phone call. He still had those beautiful eyes I fell for *blush
Today, I took a day off actually since I had an interview to go to. I was a bit nervous since I ended up interviewing with 3 people which was a first. The most I've had was 2. The interview lasted for a good 45 minutes. They asked me about my background, and asked me technical questions, and some customer oriented ones like what would I do if a customer is screaming, or was dissatisfied with the service, etc. I was chatting with one of the interviewers when I was leaving since I had to be escorted out, and he actually told me that he feels I'd be a real asset to the agency and would want me onboard. However, I'm the first person they interviewed and they'd have to interview folks for the next 2 weeks. It'll probably be a month from now before I hear back. It's the waiting that's the killer. I've applied to a bunch of government jobs and this is a first where I actually came in for an interview. I guess that's something. I'm not trying to get my hopes up but from what it seemed like, all 3 interviewers wanted me to join the team. One joked that I can step out of the building and go back in and start working, when I asked when would the new hire start. Usually when I leave an interview, feeling good and just get the thought like I nailed it, I have been correct. The three times that has happened, I was offered the position.
I was gonna go to the High Heel Race tonight but ended up just staying in since it was rainy/windy/cold. It's a yearly event where guys in drags race for like 2 blocks in DC. I've been to 2 already so that should be enough. I'm gonna get back to watching Away We Go . It's a good movie so far, not sure why I didn't see it in the theaters.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
For every action....
Yesterday, I did go to the gym after work, like I told myself I should be doing more of. I get off work at 2:30 and try to be home at 3. Get changed and try to head out, though a tube with an x gets in the way time to time. I tried to be out of the gym an hour and sorta had my evening laid out. Swing by the grocery store, cook, iron my work clothes, then study.
As I was driving out of the parking lot, a car was trying to get out of their spot so I stopped and let them through. The driver of the van ended up waving me down, and told me how he works at a car body shop and can do work on mine. You see, when I first moved here three summers ago, I initially was catching the metro to go to work. The first day I drove and trying to park in the garage, I miscalculated and drove into a white column. So pretty much, I’ve been driving a black car with white paint in the front bumper for 2 ½ yrs. I keep saying I’ll get around to getting it done but never did.
The guy told me he can do it for $270. That’s roughly how much I’ve been told when some other guy stopped me as well offering to do it on the spot. It, being to repair my car :D I called my coworker who knew about cars to check and he said that’s actually a pretty good price since body shops would charge $600 or so.
I just went ahead and got it done, waiting around in the parking lot with him, while his wife and son sat on their van. I’d have to say he did a pretty good job. It made me smile seeing my car the way it was when I first bought it since I’m planning to keep it for a while anyways. Now I just need to spend some time waxing my car since he told me it’s good to wax it every so often. I’ve had the car for 4 yrs come December and he said it looks good for it being that old. I take care of it as much as I can though getting that one spot fixed was never put on my to-do list.
So yeah, it kinda threw my night off and I didn’t get to cook. Still, something good can come out of it. Funny how one action changes things completely. I somehow can’t keep that in my head since usually, I don’t think of the consequences of things I do until someone brings it up.
I sooo wanna go home and nap and just skip class today… 7 ½ hrs before my day’s completely mine (T_T)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Not so screwed up weekend
So figured I’d be a good son and take my mom out to a theater. Instead of picking a drama that I wanted to see, ended up getting a ticket for Shear Madness. C- took me once and it was really funny that I thought I can take my mom so did just that.
Before going home that day though, I stopped by the library since I’ve been trying to borrow Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second. Some blogger mentioned it and it seems that it was something I was gonna like so checked it out. I’ve been waiting weeks to get it since the one time, I was getting ready to pick it up, the roads to the library were all blocked since there was a festival going on. I just had to laugh and think it wasn’t meant to be, with cursing in between. They had some sale too so I got 5 books for $1, though one or two, I’ve read previously.
After getting home, I ended up calling my cousin since he called but I didn’t get to pick up. He just wanted to check on me after we went out the previous night as you heard from the video. It took some consideration before I asked him whether he’d want to go with us to see Shear Madness. I didn’t think it was his cup of tea but he liked the show, so all’s well. We had dinner beforehand at Cali Pizza Kitchen. I tried to enjoy the night but my mom would make comments that makes me wanna smack her. I cannot be the only one, right!? Haha
Saturday, was gonna go see a movie since they had a GLBT film festival. But my coworker and I were running a bit behind so we decided to just stay at Ruby Tuesday (classy!) and had dinner and a few drinks, and just talked. We saw Couples Retreat instead which had some good laughs. We went our separate ways since she’s catching the metro while I had to walk 8 blocks back to my car since the roads were closed off when I was on my way to the city.
So that, got home and didn’t feel sleepy so ended up being awake til 5, organizing my closet and watching Modern Family. I ended up liking the show and would have to watch it more. Good thing ABC had it up on their site. I was cracking up. They had a joke about the baby being named ‘Lala’ that took me a moment to realize, and I watched it like 5 more times.
Sunday, I was gonna make my staying in day, do more cleaning, iron my clothes for the week, do laundry. I didn’t get around to the ironing part and ended up going to DC for dinner and had a few drinks. The bar was packed since it was the first day in the past seven days that it stopped raining.
Back to school Monday. I think I’m not gonna take classes in Spring. It’s funny, when I wasn’t taking any classes, I wanted to since it’ll give me something to do. And now, getting a bit annoyed since it keeps me busy. I actually prefer the ‘nothingness’ but then, if I find a balance and manage my time better, I’d be set. It’s been a long time since I volunteered so looking into that too.
So yea, the book was really good, it had me smiling, and reminded me of being in school, having crushes with guys but knowing nothing will come out of it. Meeting someone new, falling in love, doing it for the first time :D And coming to terms with who you are and being okay with it, acnes and all.
Aside from that, trying to get back in shape so started going to the gym last week. I actually went on a Saturday which is new to me. It felt like a sin going there when I could be home relaxing. I will go by myself for a bit, and if don’t see a lot of improvement, will get a trainer. I looked around but looks like the cheapest out there is $70/session for 24 sessions in 3 months. Is that the average? Anyone know?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Shifts in life
I've been reading a blogger's website and it's just been making me think about how I could have done things differently when I was in a relationship. At times, I don't realize how much I hurt other people until after the fact. I was having breakfast down at the shopping area and I'll admit I cried some while sitting there, trying to wipe it quick so people won't show. I was wondering how I made it known to C- that I needed him? Coz I sure as hell don't remember telling him so. I've gotten so used to not depending on others that it seemed so foreign opening up to C- or in a sense depending on him. I'd see things that needs to get done and instead of giving him things to do, I'd do 'em all and get frustrated about my inability to ask for help. That and among other things, insecurities thrown in were reasons that I had in splitting up with him. I just didn't want to hurt him anymore, but hurting him in the process of trying to prevent it. I just wanted to save him from me.
Even my mom, she comments from time to time that she's scared of me. Instead of casually brushing it off, I might have to just hear what she has to say. When I think about it, I'm not sure what happened along the way. Not having seen each other for like 8 years definitely played a role. I just don't know how to need her like I used to. I love her and all but there's been a shift along the way.
I was kinda off the other day, it built up as the day progressed that I wanted to be hugged and just be told that everything's gonnabe alright. Frustrated about.... I think I'm being impatient about getting moved to a different position here at the agency I work for. They've had me do like 4 "temp" spots since I started here, and I actually liked doing one of them. It's like move me already! And you talk to the higher ups and they tell you to get on the company website or talk to my supervisor when they're the ones who would actually make the decision so bleh.
Perhaps I'm just going through a funk. I'm hitting my 3 yrs here in DC and I'm getting the itch to move somewhere and start over. I sorta still have that mentality after having stayed in one place for only 2-3 years. There's nothing really keeping me here but then, where would I wanna go though....
As far as school goes, it's going just fine. We got our 2nd quiz for Precalc back and I got 24/40. After looking it over though, I realized my prof missed grading one question worth 8 points so scanned it last night and e-mailed him about it. Yay, my grades are improving granted it's just the 2nd quiz. Doing the assignments would definitely help more so need to get on that, instead of just looking over the notes and not doing anything else.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Quiet times
You ask me where I'd go tonight i go back to today last year.
When we knew how to make each other happy, and there's hope with everything.
Its hard enough to feel the world as it is and hold on anything.
Without these quiet times you've brought round here.
I'm gonna have to run away, i'm sure that i belong some other place.
I've seen another side of all i've seen it keeps me wondering where my family is.
Its hard enough to see the world as it is, and hold on anything.
Without these quiet times coming round here.
Now i miss you...
Now i want you...
But i can't have you...
Even when your here...
Suppose i have to take you with me, broken mind i'd rather leave you here.
To forget everything you've seen and known erase every idea.
And you walk up in the street, and hold my hand and smile.
Well i won't be taken in, 'cuz i know how it turns out.
And it takes me back to these quiet times coming round here.
Now i miss you...
Now i want you...
Your not coming back...
And i need you...
But i can't have you...
Even when your here...
Choices or chance
What do you know!? I was doing laundry last Thursday and ended up getting locked out of the apartment. I forgot that the lock has problems where it stays locked even after it lets you in with your key and all. It happened around 6 pm and I think I showered before hand and put on my home clothes. I tried forcing the door a few times but alas, it won't open. I knocked on the neighbor's door and asked if I can go through the balconies and try getting in from there but it was locked too!
I guess am glad my mom only worked a mile away, and here I was pushing her to look for other jobs haha. It was kinda breezy but oh well, I wanted to get back in. While walking, I realized why I don't wear boxers. I wear it when I go to bed but aside from that, I don't. Somehow I decided to wear boxers and I was tenting a lot during the trek. I ended up grabbing a newspaper to cover it since I kept thinking stuff that got me horny, way to pick a time Kris.
Saturday, ended up hanging out with one coworker since the one that I was supposed to see never got back to me. I thought it was unusual of her not to respond but I found out she had problems with her telephone. So just hang out for a few years and drove to DC for a bit to look at the Real World house. Went out that night and it was okay, I guess I'm not so much of a going out person like I thought.
Aside from that, with school and stuff, we have a quiz today in both classes. I'm not sure sometimes what causes my proscrastination. I had a few hours to do stuff after getting back from the gym, somehow ended up doing things but schoolwork. I'm just gonna study later since I get off at 2:30 and class don't start til 4:30. I really haven't had a big think lately so that's a good thing. Once in a while, I get lonely/bored but I think it happens to all. It's funny getting that feeling that you wanna be with someone but at the same time, you don't. I miss C- at times, just having someone to do things with. But then, I'm not gonna try to get back with him just because of that. I'm still trying to figure some things out. I think come summer, I'm gonna find a place and live on my own. My mom's been fine to live with, and of course, here comes the but. I find myself getting annoyed by random things, the way she tries to walk me to the door when I'm leaving for work, the clinging noise when she stirs her coffee. Things I know that shouldn't bother me but it does. Kris still has some growing up to do.
Right now, they got me subbing again for another office. It's funny how I'm two buildings down from where I used to work when I first moved to DC. Makes me wonder sometimes how things would have been if I stayed there. How things would have turned out and where I would be 2 1/2 years after the big move.. :) I wonder if this is where I'm supposed to be, or am I here because of my choices?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
School is cool
Aside from that, everything's been quiet for the most part. Just been working, and staying home mostly. Been reading the Harry Potter series this past few weeks and I'm on the 5th book now. It's kinda dry right now so haven't picked it up in a few days. The series is actually good, I'd end up staying up til like 1 finishing them instead of just waiting the next day. It's like "Oh my goddd, what happens next!!!?" *flip
It's been quiet on my end really. Today, will go home, wait on the Comcast guy to come. They were supposed to come by Saturday but somehow the appointment never got on the system so they told me they can do the install for free which normally costs $30 or give me HBO free for six months. I picked the HBO just so I can watch the season finale of True Blood. Coz I wanna do bad things with you.....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Again and again..

Right on the day we were leaving which was the 24th, and up til now, I've been getting headaches so that's been kicking my butt. I've gone to see a doctor but it's diagnosed at the moment as migraine. This is the longest I've ever had them so pretty much been laying low and staying home, even on the weekends. I was telling my mom how it's been a good thing since I'm not spending. Then, she turned around and said 'Well, you haven't been going out but you sure have been buying a lot online!' I'll admit I got carried away this past few weeks, pair of shoes here, book there, pants, belt, that's about it. I had to stop myself from buying another jacket at the store this past weekend. I think I might have a jacket fetish after all. I probably have about 12 now.
I really was glad this past weekend since I finally got to see Tracy Chapman! Her show was amazing, she sounded just like she did on her records. I'll admit I didn't know some of her new songs but it didn't take away from the experience. She sang all of my fave songs so that was really great. She even took a request by this one family that all got together to see her here in DC. I'm torn between The Promise and At this point in my life. I remember listening to the promise and crying, thinking it was my song to some of my loved ones, that even they're far away, I'll always be there for them. I actually named one of my blogs 'At this point in my life' but ended up keeping this one still . I probably have three or four 'hidden' blogs but I've never written posts on those. I don't know, when I feel the need to censor myself, I do consider it but at the end of the day, I still go back to this and opened up since it hasn't really hurt me doing so.
Now that summer will be over soon, I'm gonnabe taking classes again. I had to talk to one of the deans since I was foolish and flunked a class I was retaking. No excuses, I just don't apply myself from time to time. Looking back, I'd have all these things I set out to do, and I guess I get so hyped up that when the actual day comes, I just lose interest. Be it meeting new people for the first time, or experiencing something new. Like once it happens, I just go 'That was great" and that's the end of it, I lose interest.
I actually applied to 2 positions in Germany which I probably won't take. Well, there hasn't been any interviews or anything. I got bored at work and just went like, Hmm, get to live abroad again, suuure. They just posted the openings last week and I have a feeling they'll be getting a lot of people applying for it. I might just end up waiting since it's not like Germany's going anywhere, ya know? I can always visit and live there down the road. My plan was to get my Bachelor's by the time I turn 28 so that's 2 yrs from now, and if I move to Europe, I KNOW I won't be studying since I'm not a fan of online classes.
Reminds me of a 23 yr old I used to know. One would think he would have changed some by now...
Monday, August 3, 2009
Are you ?
Am I safe? Am I important? Am I forgiven? Am I loved?
- Mary Pipher
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Color me
Like I mentioned in the previous post, I'm putting up the colored, unedited pic that the photographer chose to go with her Perfect As Is series. After looking through, I realized that it's one where I don't look like I know I'm getting my picture taken, unlike this second one. My fave's the last one however...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Everyone wants love
I had to take yesterday off to get a procedure done. It was a same day surgery, and I ended up staying at the hospital for close to 7 hrs. I caught the cab since my mom doesn't know how to drive yet, and I didn't ask around except one if anybody can give me a ride. That's where my stubborn streak comes out, it's as if I have a hard time asking for help. I cried a little I'll admit since if C- was here, he would taken the day off and stayed with me the whole time like when I had a surgery last year. After I got home, I pretty much just rested and watched Mad Men and Weeds, and trying to tweak the Mac so I can put Windows in it as well.
Last night, I got upset with my mom for a moment since she was crying a bit since she was asking and saying how I've never spent a bday with my dad. I hate when she does that. She doesn't mean anything bad but sometimes, it bothers me when she thinks about things like this. It's like she burders herself with more hurt and take on other people's pain, i.e. mine. I really wouldn't say I'm in denial about this whole relationship with my dad. After I came out to him April of last year, communication has pretty much stopped between us. I've reached out twice and will leave it at that.
I guess sometimes you just come to the realization that everybody can't or wouldn't love you. As hard as that might be, one just has to live with it. It's happened to me, I ended up liking some folks, and the feeling's not mutual so what can you do but move on. When it's the same, I've met guys that liked me but I didn't like them back the way they wanted me to. I wish it was any different, and as much as you try not to hurt people, it is bound to happen and it's only up to them when they want to move on.
Love is such an interesting thing. Sometimes you get too focused on getting it from someone that if you only stay still long enough, you realize the ones you have is actually enough. I've met some bloggers who I've come to love deeply, and who's been my confidant when I'm going through the hard times and the good times. Thinking of them makes me smile. I've realized that you come to a point where you create your own family, and one that doesn't have to be linked by blood.
Yesterday, after just having to lay down and not read or play with my cell, it just got me thinking how nothing's an accident. It mainly applied to C, and how I think we needed to be in each other's lives when we met. I hated it at times when we'd get into fights and stuff, but now looking back, I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I used to wish we wouldn't have moved in together so soon when we get into arguments, yet at the same time, it all happened naturally.
Then the dog came in, which has become a child to me, without me realizing. Now I sit at home wondering how he's doing, but I can't really ask him haha. It always cracks me up thinking how it looked like his muzzle was dipped in black ink and stayed that way. Ahh pets, they love their owners with no conditions. I wish I can say the same, but am not quite there yet. It's quite conflicting since at the same time, I have conditions on how to be loved. If you do this or that, it means you love me. If you don't call me, maybe you don't after all.
But one must remember that people can't always love you the way you want them to. Just because they couldn't doesn't mean the feeling's not there, they just have a different way of showing it.
Do you love or hate it?
"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.
--Neil Gaiman
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Natural portrait

Friday, July 17, 2009
Google me baby
I was off today from having worked last Sunday so it was nice getting to just do my thang today. I was up really early though since I had to swing by DC to get something done. And figured I'd go there first thing in the morning to get it over with and avoid the traffic. I was in and out of the DC by 8:30 so that was good. I was starving for not having had anything to eat so made my way to the army base and went to Dunkin Donuts. I was craving their sausage, egg and cheese on a croissant since it's been a while since I've had it. I wanted to go on base so I can go the BX which is pretty much a department store you can go to on base. I ended up getting Bose computer speakers since I haven't had any in a while. I'm glad I asked about the price matching since it was cheaper on their website.
After that, I went to King St to meet up with a photographer. She's doing a series where she doesn't touch up the pictures at all which has become the norm everywhere else. She gave folks the option to either get paid for it or get copies, and of course I opted for the copies. Omg, I love getting a pic taken with the strobes and everything. I've never had it done before but I always thought it was neat when there's like a halo in your eyes when they do so. She's gonna be emailing it to me tonight or tomorrow so kinda excited about that. She just had me stand in a spot and told me to make whatever faces I wanted. You can only do so much before you start thinking what now!? We were chatting the shoot and I was commenting how difficult it is sorta being put on the spot and told to strike a pose, sorta. It was fun though, she showed me the previews and I'm glad I took part in her project
The apartment's finally set up except for a dining table but that could wait since we don't really use it that often. I got me a foot stool in my room so am set. Will post some of the pic once the photographer sends them, hopefully tonight! *crosses fingers
Monday, July 13, 2009
Company picnic
My mom and I were arguing whether I had my eyes closed in the first one or was just smiling. What does it look like to YOU!?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Asleep on the subway

Seven days after you read this blog post, this woman will attack you through your computer screen.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
That's what she said!
So I did that and stopped by Dupont Circle afterwards, and grabbed Ben and Jerry's ice cream and sat down and read The Onion. I originally had plans but it didn't fall through, and come around the time I was supposed to meet, I was glad it didn't happen since I felt tired and just wanted to go home. Still have a bit to go in getting the apartment set up but no rush on that, working on my room at least so I'll know where everything is once again.
Yesterday, I took my mom to Ruby Tuesday since she's never been to one. She thought it was okay, but I think it was mainly due to her ribs being dry. She told me about it but not til after having eaten it so I asked why she didn't say anything sooner. I'll admit I get agitated with her sometimes, it really feels like we've switched roles. After that though, we just sat out by the parking lot and goofed off a bit. I was debating what to do about my phone situation since I'm trying to go simpler with mine. I ended up getting one off of Amazon, a more basic phone than the iPhone so I can get rid of the data plan, and just use it for the basic stuff. I'll probably miss the Google maps but I'll manage, I've lived okay without having one of those as much as it has been helpful.
Oh, I never got to mention it but where I'm temporarily working, there's a lake on the side of the building and there's this family of 5 ducks. I might take a picture but in the morning when I pass them by, it brings a smile on my face that I just wanna sit there and watch 'em. Animals just seem so peaceful sometimes. It doesn't look like they have a care in the world but to just be, and get their basic needs met. No dreams they try to achieve, no wrongdoings they feel guilty about, but to just be and exist. But then, we're animals too. Does one ever achieve that kind of peace though? At times, I'd like to think I get a glimpse of it. There's just this wave of feeling that comes over you, and you're just at ease with the world, and how things are. Perhaps it's just a matter of being able to go back to that place more.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
To whom should I write
But it's done with so definitely glad about that. We had to come back yesterday and pick up the rest of the stuff and clean the apartment. Now, it's just a matter of getting the new one organized. I definitely won't be moving anytime soon again. It's in a good location since I'm nearby the major interstate.
I'm "temping" once again for another slot that my company has for the agency we work for. It's nice since I get to learn new stuff. And the eye candy too! There's a lot of mil guys here so it's cool just to see 'em. I'm sharing a cube with this one girl and I love her already :) She's pretty funny so we'd just talk about some random stuff.
Aside from the move, things have been quiet. My tennis lessons started last weekend but the first one got cancelled since it rained hard Saturday morning. Then the swimming class starts next week. Catching concerts here and there as well. I got to see Santigold and Peaches so that was nice.
I think I'll still post the vid tonight. I grew a mini-beard but ended up shaving it yesterday. Everyone's like 'whoooa, kris is becoming a man!' or ask me why I'm growing it. Really no reason but to change it up a bit. A pic when it was growing...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Gottabe unstoppable
Monday, June 1, 2009
the mall
It was a quiet weekend overall. I'm in the process of priming the apartment since the lease ends on the 24th and I'll be moving to a different one come that time. Funny how I will be living in the same apartment complex I lived in when I first moved to the DC area. Coinkidink? Hmm, I wonder if that means anything.
Saturday, I went to the National Mall since it's been a while since I've gone around and explored DC. It was a nice day out that I just didn't wanna waste so drove in to the city and went to the Botanic Garden and the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI). Both were interesting. Amazing to see all the variety of plants that exist that it really makes you think that everything on the earth is designed after all and is just not caused by a bang. I took some pictures but will be uploading it to my flickr site another time. The NMAI was interesting too, it was nice to learn more about their history and their way of living back in the day, and to how some kept their culture/language intact, but at the same time, adjusting to all the changes. A fellow blogger actually has gone to the museum and eaten there so figured I would stop by the cafe since he suggested it. It was actually neat that they let you try some of the dishes instead of having to buy them blindsided. I got to try buffalo, and wild boar but ended up going with chicken haha. I was so tempted to just wait and go to Potbelly's for lunch but figured it's not everyday I'll get to eat authentic native foods, so derr. I said Yes :)
Aside from that, it's been quiet overall. I ended up having to reschedule my swimming class so I can take the beginner's one to learn it from the basics. And I'm also taking tennis lessons soon so it should be interesting. I've always wanted to play so actually acting upon it rather than just thinking. I probably should shut up about it at work haha.
I kinda got carried away at American Apparel since the last time I actually bought something from there was back in '05 when we were in LA. I pretty much just got shorts and there was one that I thought looked nice on the guys I've seen wearing it, but it looked off when I had it on. I think it's just my build and it doesn't look right, though it's sexy as hell! It's this West Coast Short though I have their Jersey P.E. Short which I just wear to bed since it's a bit snug and it would just show too much to people.
It's almost 1 and I'll try to get some sleep now. My sleeping pattern sure is out of whack on the weekends. Ah well, more changes!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
5 Years Time
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
EU open house
Weekend was good overall. I stayed in during the evenings and it was nice to just stay home and relax. I haven't felt like cleaning and mostly just dilly dallied around the house. I rented a movie and a Wii game on my way home from work, that way I won't have to set foot outside once I go home. I watched How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. I thinik I might have heard of the book before. Granted I haven't read it, I just got the movie anyways. I thought it was funny and sweet though. They were talking about the movie La Dolce Vita which I've stumbled on a lot of times but never watched it.
Saturday, they had the embassy open house again. It's where the embassies in DC let the general public in where you get to look around and take a little tour of their respective embassies. I went with two friends I was with the week prior though two others joined us on this day. We all met up around 9:30 to get an early headstart but alas, none of the brunch places was open until 11. We waited around since we were all hungry. But it was worth it :D Frontpage had a really good buffet though I initially was gonna get their Eggs Benedict. I need to learn how to make that at home.

Sunday was Mother's Day as everyone knows, and I really didn't get to spend it with my mom. I told my coworker I was gonna help him not realizing it was gonna take all day. But oh well, mom's happy with the flower that I got her. When it was delivered, I wanted to keep it for myself haha.
So that was the weekend really. Gotta head out for an appointment now so will cut this short. I'm trying to get back on writing more like I used to.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wherever he goes, there'll be love
Classes are finally over after this week which I'm glad about, I certainly can use the break right about now. I did decent on most classes except Precalculus. Not sitting down and studying for the exams is gonna cost me but it's too late to change that now. I knew what was happening but somehow, instead of doing something about it, I just sorta took my fate and took responsibility for my actions. I'm either getting a D or an F, and I can kick myself about it over and over but it's not gonna do any good. So that, I'm realizing I'm not applying myself as much as I could.
5 Years Time - Noah and the Whale
Now the post seems dreary. But getting back to Noah and the Whale, they were amazing!! I already got tickets for another band playing last Saturday night but when after watching Noah, it was sooo worth it. I felt really happy just being there and seeing them live. The lead singer was cute too so that made it better. Each of the band member was sexy in their own way. Even the violinist! To produce that kind of beauty just mesmerized me. Did I mention that I love the show!? I soo wanna stalk this band now haha. Their CD is actually good, I've pretty much been listening to it on my way to work and back.
I sorta made this an unofficial song to C-. There's just something sweet to the sentiments of the lyrics that when I heard it, it just felt it applied to how our relatinship. Though the following reflects any sorts, whether it be lovers or friends since who knows what can happen in five years time.
Oh in 5 years time, I might not know you.
In 5 years time, we might not speak it all.
In 5 years time, we might not get along.
In 5 years time, you might just prove me wrong.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I can't believe this
her bed and admitted to being lonely when she asked me. I didn't stay
long since with her trying to console me, I got annoyed with some
things she said. What the duck's wrong with me sometimes? It's the
first day since C- and the dog left for Chicago. It'll take a little
getting used to. Did I get what I wanted though? I need to go
somewhere just for a while... It won't be for a few more weeks though,
with school not being over til the 11th. I want my world to stand
Monday, April 13, 2009
It's been a long time
Been a long time -
Friday, February 13, 2009
And his voice came out of nowhere
I felt the need to stay quiet for a bit and not write about what's been happening. Work's been good for the most part. I've gotten the hang of it and been pretty much taking calls all day with a few questions to my coworkers. Been a bit busy with school. I'm actually taking a full load this semester to get a feel as to what it's like. It's been good though I'd still want to do it full time but not work full time. Maybe get a part-time gig but concentrate more on school. I'm taking classes at the local community college but will transfer eventually to one of the universities around, more than likely George Mason.
The classes are pretty good. I'm taking Sociology, two computer classes, and Precalculus. I'm struggling a bit with Precal eventhough I liked Math a lot when I was younger. I guess having been out of school for like six years played a part so there, would have to study more and maybe get with a tutor even.
Aside from that, one or two bloggers knows that C- and I are no longer together, for almost two months now. I'm not really gonna get on the details since it'll be unfair to him but that's that. I might write more about it from my point of view but it was real foggy for the longest as to what the exact reasons are. I really can't pin point the one defining thing that prompted this since it's more of a mix. Some of it were my doing I'll admit, and I probably could have done things different., if not better. Could have been more patient, kinder, more loving. I guess you just learn from it and move on. That was the best I can do at that time, but I'm not closing the doors. I definitely have some things I need to work on, recognizing them after having lived with C-. And right now, I just feel the need to deal with them by myself. I feel bad when it seems I'm just dragging him down with me.
I miss what we had of course and for the most part, it was good. It was a lot of firsts and for that, I'll always be grateful. I think when we met, it happened since that's what had to happen. We brought something into each other's lives that we both needed. I can say that I've been happier since I've met him, there's a ritual I used to do but I don't any longer ever since I've met him. We've talked about how our relationship is unique and I think we'll always be in other's lives, well that's how we feel at this time. If that gets fucked up though, it'll be on me since I do some hurtful things with no rhyme or reason that after the fact, even I'm left wondering where it came from.
On a short note, I wanted to share a song by one of my favorite bands *grins I heard this song from my mp3 player on my way to work and bawled out like crazy since it just summed up how I felt at that time.
Something in me was dying
And my heart was heavy as stone
Hard as i was trying
I never could find, find my way home
And your voice came out of nowhere
Be my friend and give me your hand
Let's take off together
And then we can live wherever we land
Something in me was broken
And my thoughts were bitter and ill
My world was blown open
And I couldn't see and i couldn't feel
You said be yourself and think of me
And you'll know there's nothing to fear
Let's make plans together
It's time to move on and get out of here
Girl i need you
Don't know what I would do
Will you see the story through
It's a cruel world
And I need somewhere to hide
But time goes by
And your still on my side
Something in me was sinking
Cause my heart was heavy as stone
I gave up with thinking
I never would find, find my way home
And your voice came out of nowhere
Be my friend and give me your hand
Let's take off together
And then we can live wherever we land
Girl i need you
Don't know what i would do
Will you see the story through
It's a cruel world
And i need somewhere to hide
The time goes by and your still on my side
Turning over
Running round in circles
And i've worn myself out
Hoping that we'll always be together
yeah we'll always be together
yeah we'll always be together
yeah we'll always be together
yeah we'll always be together
yeah we'll always be together
yeah we'll always be together
-Something in Me Was Dying
by Keane