This is a group pic taken on our Christmas party (I got permission to keep their faces on this pic). It's us three at the bottom, N-, V- and I that really clicked so it made the workdays bearable at least. We'd laugh about the little things, about the customers, the questions that we get, and in some instances, in each other's expense. It was all for good fun though. I'll really miss them and I hope I'll get to see them every once in a while at least.
Another person I've become fond of is Ms Ver- that works at HR. I came by her office and told her just this past week, and she was shocked about it as well. She actually got teary hearing about it, which made me cry in the process. She's sorta become like a mother to me, I ended up crying at her office once when I wasn't able to hold some things in any longer. During that time, I really haven't blogged much since I was trying to keep positive on the things I write about, forgetting the fact that I use this blog as an outlet. Anyway, it was still a surprise since I didn't think I'd be that vulnerable to someone who barely knows me. But I think it did us both good since we were able to be more open about things. I even let her in to the fact that I'm gay and everything, and she said she could have cared less about it. Friday, she took me out to lunch which was a nice gesture. She's trying to get me to go back to the USM already, and I haven't even left! But will see how everything goes in the future.....
I used this lines (took some parts out) from The Office around this time last year and I'm glad it came true in a sense, and here's hoping that it'll happen again for the next one, and the one after....
"The people you work with are people you were just thrown together with. I mean, you don't know them, it wasn't your choice. And yet you spend more time with them than you do your friends or your family. But probably all you have in common is the fact that you walk around on the same bit of carpet for eight hours a day. And so obviously, when someone comes in who you have a connection with it can mean a lot. But if I'm really being honest, I never really thought it would have a happy ending. I don't know what a happy ending is. Life isn't about endings, is it? It's a series of moments."
Guess that's it for now. Just having a hard time sleeping so thought I'd write a bit. So much has happened, but that'll be all I'm writing for now. Have met a fellow blogger, D-Man, and his partner this month and it was great, I feel honored they spent just about every weekend they were here hanging out with me. It really means a lot just getting to hang out and talk to them, getting to know them more in the flesh, no less! Thought I'd just throw that out there, just in case I didn't get to tell them how much it meant.