Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Trying to make a move

Ahh, two weeks..there's gonna be some changes to be happening in my life. Not sure if it's really something major that I'm gonna be getting a housemate. Figured I'll put the extra room to use instead of it just being a storage room for the remainder of the year. I got it for my mom but it doesn't look like she's gonna be making it here anytime soon.

So back to the rooming situation, I figured it'll help offset the cost of living alone. I dunno, maybe it'll be more fun too having a housemate again. It's been a while since I've lived with somebody, and I really didn't have any problem with it. It's good to finally have my own room though.

Hopefully me and him would get along just fine. We'll call him Yan. I've spoken to him once on the phone and the conversation was alright. He'll be coming from New York though I don't remember exactly where he grew up. I asked, and he told me but I forgot. It's one of those 50 states for sure :P He told me a lot of places he has lived at so I sorta lost track. He's not a fugitive, if that's what you're thinking. Well I'm hoping he's not, positive thoughts! Errr, I left out one thing though. I really didn't tell him about me being gay. Well I'm not really out out, and only few close friends know about it. I know it shouldn't matter, since I really don't see that has anything to do with being housemates. Or maybe it does? You've probably met one of those guys who thinks that every gay guy would want to sleep with them. So what's your take on this one? Do I tell him now before he moves in? Not at all? Or what? We'll only be roommates for less than a year but still. Inputs please.

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