Thursday, August 16, 2007

Things That Bring Me Joy

- blast my favorite music
- wathching movie at the house with Cs
- having a home-made breakfast on Sundays
- snuggling in my blanket
- reading a good book
- drinking beer and munching on chips
- a compliment from someone
- when told I make people smile
- Cs- to go home to at the end of the day
- having my mom finally in the US
- when I don't have to think about what I'm making for dinner
- having Cs- rest his head on my arms when we're at the park
- singing along with Cs- when driving on the top of our lungs
- being comforted by silence
- talking to my family and friends on the phone
- reading up about my friends' lives
- meeting a blogger in person
- coldstone ice cream
- getting moved to tears by Rilkean Heart
- Spice Girls ( yea, yea, I admit to this)
- watching my fave shows on DVD ie. Strangers with Candy, Arrested Development, amongst others
- bloggers going to mine and actually commenting
- getting to live here in DC
- having a decent job and coworkers I love
- smiling at strangers
- when I look good hahaha!
- getting to see Keane in concert
- eating cookies and cream
- a kiss from Cs-
- Cs to hug when I feel a bit off
- being free to decide
- being loved despite of
- doing good for others and not be found out
- being alive, eventhough I get times where I'd prefer the alternative

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