Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Catching up

Ok, I was midway through a post and I'm not sure what happened but it's all gone (T_T) I started it during my lunch break but now while installing a software on somebody's machine, I'll go ahead and post.

It's really been a mix these past few weeks so will just touch up on it briefly. Since the last post, I've been playing kickball on Sunday afternoon which has been really fun. It brings me back to when I was a kid and loved kickball every minute of it. Not having a care in the world even for a bit and just focus on the game. We haven't won any games yet but it's otayyy, I don't mind it really whether we win or not, coz at the end of the day, would it really matter? Maybe to some, but for me, it's all in the spirit of fun. I've met some pretty cool folks as well. Also after the games, we make our way out to a bar and go drinking. I've learned new things too, I never knew what beer pong and flip cup were, but now I do :D Been getting a bit buzzed on Sundays which isn't too bad since I really haven't been going out as much.

Mom's doing alright. She's adjusting more and more living in the US. It's been a bit hard for her since after being here for close to three months, she is yet to get a job. She's still waiting to get a SSN which should happen soon. She went to the SS office yesterday and just applied for a new one. Of course, she got found out that she applied for one back in June. She explained to the man the situation though, that she's never heard back from them and that it really shouldn't take that long to get one. After which, the man just went ahead and took her application and some documents to get her processed. She'll come back Friday and should get a number at least which she really needs to be able to do anything. I'm glad that she's finally gonna get it since she's been a bit down because of not being able to work which she wanted to do after getting here. With her not working, it also gives her too much time on her hands which kinda sucks so when idle, you tend to just think about things and brood over them. I feel bad sometimes, but ya know, I was telling her it's all part of moving to a new city or country even. It gets lonely since you're taken out of everything familiar and put into a completely different place, devoid of all things you've known and people you love. It does get better, sooner or later, you'll start to build a new life and find friends to care about. It takes a while sometimes but it happens, you just have to be patient and have faith. It was rough but it's all part of the process. Process of what, I can't tell you.

The bf has been great. He's what I was looking for in a boyfriend without realizing it. Someone sweet, smart, caring, has a good heard on his shoulders. Someone I can laugh with, goof off with, and dance around with and sing in the car with :D Time for me to go home. Rather than saving this for later, I'll go ahead and post so to be sure I can go back and finish it...

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