Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I confess...

Rob! I know it's waaaay overdue but sometimes I forget that I get tagged with memes. But here goes...

Taken a picture completely naked?
Yeeeeeah! But it's been deleted years ago.
Made out with a friend on your MySpace/Facebook page? Nope.
Danced in front of your mirror naked? Yea, when I'm getting dressed sometimes after showering
Told a lie? Yes. Who hasn't really!? I know, it's not something to be proud of.....
Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Yeah, when I just first started dating guys. There was this one guy who was in Tokyo and he never saw me again. It hoit, I got drunk and was the talk at work since it was unusual for me to do that

Been arrested? Yes
Made out with someone of the same sex? Pretty much all I've done
Seen someone die? Yes. He was a carpenter I was friends with when I was young. He got himself tangled in a live wire
Slept in until 5pm? I'm sure I did cuz I worked night shift for a while
Had sex at work? Naww.
Fallen asleep at work/school? Yep.
Held a snake? Umm, no and doubt I will anytime soon

Ran a red light? I probably have and not realize it
Been suspended from school? No.
Totaled your car in an accident? No.
Pole danced? No, the occassion hasn't happened yet. I haven't even gone to a strip bar sooo...

Smoked? Nope, the family smoked so vowed I wouldn't
Danced? Of course. In private and IN PUBLIC. Yea, I give in to pressure *grins
Been fired from a job? No.
Sang karaoke? Yes, when I was in Japan and the Philippines last year.

Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Oh of course.
Laughed until a drink came out your nose?
Actually, I threw up from laughing too hard in 6th grade
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? I don't think I have
Kissed in the rain? No
Sang in the shower? Of course

Given your private parts a nickname? Hmm, no. Just never gave it much thought
Ever gone out without underwear? Yes.
Sat on a roof top? Yes.
Played chicken? Play as in "choke"? So many times, it's prolly up in the thousands *teehee
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No
Broken a bone? Popped one? Yes. Bent one? Yes. Broke one? Yep, I fell off of a tree and landed on my right arm
Mooned/flashed someone? No and no.
Shaved your head? Many times.
Slept naked? Yes. When I was too tired after.....
Played a prank on someone? I would have to say yes. I've done unto others what others have done unto me
Had a gym membership? Yes. I have yet to use it consistently

Felt like killing someone? I'm sure I have
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes
Cried over someone you were in love with? I don't think so. I got drunk, but don't think I cried
Had sex more than 10 times in one day? No.
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? Nope. Not sure what they are to be honest
Been in a band? No.
Subscribed to Maxim? Nope.
Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol? I probably have. I blacked out eventually so I must have

Shot a gun? Yes
Had sex today? No
Played strip poker? I'd have to say no, I don't even know how to play poker
Tripped on mushrooms? No.
Donated Blood? No
Video taped yourself having sex? No. I just don't see this happening. This is a blackmailing material waiting to happen
Eaten alligator meat? No. Frog legs? No.

Ever jump out of an airplane?
Have you been to more than 10 countries? No.
Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend? Yes.
Five bloggers you're tagging that you don't know how much you like their blogs? I don't fully get this question but I'm tagging
Cesar, JohnMichael, Jon, Arkano, and Steve

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