Tuesday, May 6, 2008

That and that and this is this

One more hour to go before I get off since I'm doing 12 - 8 pm shift at the moment. I was alternating 7-4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and this shift on the other days because I had to work with one tech that only comes on in the evenings to learn about a software that they use. She's taught me well since now, she actually won't be coming in anymore. They've let go of a few folks here so yea, that sucked a bit but what can ya do but move on. I'm a bit nervous so I'm gonna send out my resume soon enough just to be on the safe side :D

Nothing really new, this Friday's the last day of my Communication class. I sooo need to integrate it with my life since yours truly isn't the greatest in communicating. I'm working on not bottling it all up, then exploding one day. I was gonna say trying but I always think of Yoda when I'm close to saying try.. Do or do not, there is no try.

Started going to the gym last week and got to go twice so that's a start. Today's my lift day but had to do laundry so just ran in the treadmill they have at the apartment complex. I actually took off my shirt since it was hot, and after that, it just got hotter haha. Soon enough, you'll see me out shirtless. It makes more sense now when I see guys running shirtless. What a showoff! is what I used to think but not anymore. I'm following the Abs Diet from Men'sHealth. It's not so much a diet but guidelines on what exercises to do, and what food you should eat etc. Eat six smaller meals, drink lots of water, the power 12 snacks to make those abs show.

I also went to get a consult about possibly getting braces but I think that can wait. I do have a nice smile as it is, and I'm sure braces would improve it but I'm alright right now. I got close to saying that my smile's not that bad but if a bunch of folks have said I have a nice smile, it's probably true. Not being vain or anything but one woman at my old school wrote down that it will always stay with her forever, and my commander said it's a boost for him everyday. Yay! It's a boost for me knowing what people think of me. Is that voyeuristic of me?

I dunno, after last night when I read a chat transcript of C- and I a week after we met, I can't help not to smile.
It just brought all these feelings back that it made me wonder where all those feelings went. I get so focused on the negative things I forget what matters sometimes.

Well, it's almost 8 and I gotta go. Maybe I'll post a video soon. Be happy folks!!

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