Thursday, June 25, 2009

That's what she said!

That line cracks me up, silly as that might sound. I saw a few those today after having gone to a Postsecret exhibit at the Hillyer. I'm glad I got to go since tomorrow's the last day for it. It was nice getting to see it again live since it's been a long time since I went to one, 3 yrs now actually. I was still living in Hampton around that time and drove 3 hrs just to see it, along with FOUND. I got teary reading some of the impromptu made ones. They left some papers out and crayons out for people to write their secrets and I'd say about 6 walls were covered with these secrets. I didn't make any, it was enough just to see others' because I already see myself in some of them. One made a comment how the secrets are full of sadness. From what it seems though, I think it's the sadness or the negative emotions that one tries to let go while holding on to happiness as much as we can. I know there has to be balance but I think we can relate more on each other's pain more than anything, it's one of the basic emotions that shows we're all the same.

So I did that and stopped by Dupont Circle afterwards, and grabbed Ben and Jerry's ice cream and sat down and read The Onion. I originally had plans but it didn't fall through, and come around the time I was supposed to meet, I was glad it didn't happen since I felt tired and just wanted to go home. Still have a bit to go in getting the apartment set up but no rush on that, working on my room at least so I'll know where everything is once again.

Yesterday, I took my mom to Ruby Tuesday since she's never been to one. She thought it was okay, but I think it was mainly due to her ribs being dry. She told me about it but not til after having eaten it so I asked why she didn't say anything sooner. I'll admit I get agitated with her sometimes, it really feels like we've switched roles. After that though, we just sat out by the parking lot and goofed off a bit. I was debating what to do about my phone situation since I'm trying to go simpler with mine. I ended up getting one off of Amazon, a more basic phone than the iPhone so I can get rid of the data plan, and just use it for the basic stuff. I'll probably miss the Google maps but I'll manage, I've lived okay without having one of those as much as it has been helpful.

Oh, I never got to mention it but where I'm temporarily working, there's a lake on the side of the building and there's this family of 5 ducks. I might take a picture but in the morning when I pass them by, it brings a smile on my face that I just wanna sit there and watch 'em. Animals just seem so peaceful sometimes. It doesn't look like they have a care in the world but to just be, and get their basic needs met. No dreams they try to achieve, no wrongdoings they feel guilty about, but to just be and exist. But then, we're animals too. Does one ever achieve that kind of peace though? At times, I'd like to think I get a glimpse of it. There's just this wave of feeling that comes over you, and you're just at ease with the world, and how things are. Perhaps it's just a matter of being able to go back to that place more.

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