Monday, September 8, 2008

Mamma Mia

It was a lazy day yesterday and we just ended up staying home and taking it slow. There were talks about going to Rehoboth Beach but with it being 3 hours away, we opted out of going. As I've previously mentioned, my mom is all moved in at our place. We helped her move the previous Friday and spent most of Saturday tidying up the apartment. We're still trying to sell some things on Craigslist and have a few to go.

It's actually been good overall. There's gonnabe some adjustments to be made but I think we'll be just fine. Still need to get my mom to shut up when watching a movie haha. She would just keep on and on and on, comments about the movie, or how it reminded her about this or that. It's funny since we're the complete opposites that she can talk forever while I'm the quiet one. I wonder if it's because she talked a lot. My uncle asks her sometimes how she managed to raise me since she's crazy (in a good way) and I turned out completely not like her. She's great though, she's almost 50 and doesn't act like one which is a good thing. Just little things that might need some work, this victim mentality where she's still blaming my dad over EVERYthing. It's funny how she'll find a way to sneak that in every convo but oh well, hopefully in time. I've had to always remind her that her life is nobody else's responsibility but hers, and she ended up where she is because of her choices. Isn't it the same for everyone!? It's all up to us to try to rise up of the 'bad' situations and do what you can to be in a better place if something isn't working out for you.

Aside from that, C- and I got to see Mamma Mia recently and it was a good movie, I'd have to say. We got free tickets for a 'screening' of the sing-along version and it was just fun! You've got folks singing along and towards the end, some got up and started dancing. It made me smile and glad I was there to witness it. One of their song reminded me when I was trying to get this one guy to meet up with me 'Take a chance on meeeeee.' Isn't he glad he did!? kidding!!! Crazy how a song can take you back places.

So that's about it. We're gonna scratch the idea of going to San Francisco later on this month since it'll add up a LOT. But pretty much, we were gonna go so we can meet up with my Uncle who's flying in from Norway for a conference. We initally thought we were staying with him since his company will provide a hotel but he only was able to find a single room. With the three of us, C-, Mama and I coming, that's not really gonna work. C- and I might just rent a car and drive up to Toronto. Never been so actually excited if we do go, need to make decisions though since it's in 2 weeks. Anyone been/live there? Any suggestions of places to see, things to do!?

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