Thursday, September 4, 2008

This is why the blog title applies....

Well, an old friend of mine Guy Maki e-mailed me this early on in our friendship. I still wonder about him sometimes as to how he's doing. It's been a looong time since we've spoken, I've called the number I have of his and has left a voicemail numerous times but no avail. Last I spoke to him was Christmas 2005 when I moved back to the U.S.

Hey you! answer to your question "why am I like you?"...well...
ummmm??? the little phrases you put in your emails sometimes...the choices represents the sensitive and caring part of you. HEY...that's a good thing!!!---of course YOU DO KNOW that gay guys seem to have the "sensitive thing" go'in on!
...when we talk about family, friends, experiences, and such. You've even cried.....BUT.....I hold the WORLD RECORD FOR THAT BUDDY--(for a guy that is). That proves you have a good kind heart.
....and you like to joke around, have fun, and make the other person feel better before yourself. You are very unselfish.
...uMMMM? YOU CAN BE A LITTLE ASS SOMETIMES TOO! hehe (didn't mean to type that in big letters... I just didn't want to go back and re-type it)...haha treat your friends like family
...and you understand that just mak'in someone smile or laugh can turn their "ho-hum" day right around!
Thanks for being a great friend. ALot of people could take lessons from you.

We became friends through Yahoo Messenger, funny how I've met his ex but has never seen Guy in person. Maybe this will come up if someone googles him. We used to talk through webcams and all. Though the first time he ended up viewing mine, I was being 'naughty.' Yea, yea I had my moments but it was more tongue-in-cheek. But really though, I preferred chatting face to face since what's the point of chatting with someone if all you see is their penis.

Last time I spoke to him, it was just right after Katrina hit. He survived it though and since then nada, and it's been 3 years. I was going through old e-mails and it made me smile. I miss my friend. They used to be my fashion adviser when I went on dates, and they consoled me when I got my heart broken when I'm just starting to learn how the dating world worked.

There's a saying Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. I do smile when I think about some friends I've lost but yet, wish it didn't have to end. But damn it Guy, where the hell are you!?

Would it be stalkerish if I show up in Lousiana one day in front of his door to check up on him? I've e-mailed his sister once to check on him and she did reply back haha. Be honest whoever reads this. Would it spook you out if a guy you've only talked online showed up on your doorstep?

I guess it's more of a closure. Either that, or I'm trying to hold onto things that I know I should let go. Granted we were only 'online buddies' but still, when I become friends with someone, I'll keep them for life. This goes out to bloggers I've met and haven't. I might not always text or call, I'll admit I'm worried you might think I'm overdoing it, (so der, it all boils down to fear), but I do wonder how you are when I happen to be driving, or just sitting at work 'thinking.'

So to friends I have met and have yet to meet, if you do decide to stop blogging, please keep in mind to at least leave us a farewell post or something. I know you're free to do whatever you choose since it's your blog. But it sucks to be left hanging in the air not knowing whatever happens to somebody. It might sound silly, but it does matter to some. That's all I ask of you but still, thanks for the time we've shared.

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