Friday, February 16, 2007

Get your game on

I was off from work yesterday to attend my friend's brother's funeral. It was nice getting to see -M again since it's been a little bit over two years now since we last saw each other. It was good, it didn't seem like there was that huge gap where we really didn't hang out. It felt like we just saw each other the day before and picked up where we left off. It's funny how I didn't even like him at the beginning when we were in tech school (where we learn our jobs) but became good friends with him at our duty station (the base we are sent to usually 1-2 years if you're single).

They flew in Saturday afternoon and we were supposed to hang out that evening. He called me after they had dinner though to say that he wasn't feeling too good so he just got some rest. I, on the other hand, was all excited about going out. I was actually gonna hang out with my friend -K but cancelled on him after finding out -M was flying in to Arlington. So after talking to -M, I went ahead and called -K to see if he'll still be up to go out drinking. He was, though as we got closer to meeting up, he called me from his hotel saying he couldn't find his debit card. He looked all over, and even went back to the restaurant he was in earlier, to see if he might have left it there, but nope they didn't have it either.

He really didn't feel like going out anymore but I still made my way out to DC and sorta surprise him. Tell him that it'll be my treat for tonight. I brought Strangers with Candy just in case we ended up just staying in. I called when I was driving into the DC and come to find out, he got in bed already since losing his card put him in a bad mood. He didn't bring any extra card sooo yea, I'd be a bit pissed too if I was in his shoes. I'm surprised I didn't get lost considering I didn't have the city map with me but found my way to Dupont Circle. I waited at the lobby for -K and I guess I did blend it to the chair I was sitting in. There he was, coming up to the counter telling the woman that he was just waiting for his friend to arrive. I sat maybe 15 ft away and was just giggling about it, when the other attendant pointed at my direction and told him I'm already there. -K didn't have his glasses on so he blamed it at that, but it made him laugh which he kinda needed.
We talked for a bit and I was going through the Washington Blade and then, there he was snoring away. And we spoke just a minute ago! It wasn't even a minute actually, I looked down at the newspaper and looked up and there he was passed out.

I figured I'd let him sleep so I snuck out of the room. Well after pouring some vodka in my coke bottle. I drank all my soda when I just got to his room, so didn't have anything to mix it with. And the room I can get a coke from was locked anyways. Figured the drink would keep me a bit warm while I'm making my way to the bar. Either that, or get me a bit drunk already before I got there. My Aunt A- (dad's sister) actually called while I was walking, at 11:30 pm on a weekend, just to say hi. She's sweet, she calls and tells me she's been thinking of me and stuff. I have yet to meet her, since she didn't show up at the reunion.

She's made me cry once the first time we spoke on the phone. It was around this time last year that she got my phone number from my cousin. I was on my way to the mall to meet my friend, and I was about five minutes away when my phone rang from a number that I didn't recognized. I picked up since it's not like it'll kill me answering a call from an unknown number. It was her. I had to pull over since my contacts fell off from crying too hard. Just the things that she said, how eventhough we've never met, she loves me and wants to meet me one day, etc. I get emotional when I hear things like that though I kinda was thinking how she could have tried harder, etc. Oh oh, that's how I get sometimes. I tend to place conditions on how I'm supposed to be loved. If you love me, you'd to this or that but love just doesn't work that way. I have yet to meet her but I'm thinking of visiting her eventually. She lives in upstate New York I think, wherever Rochester is, so will make my way up there when it gets warmer.

So made it to the bar/club, and ended up being there for 3 hours surprisingly. Just had some drinks and danced along to the songs, just watching the actions going on. People dancing, making out in one corner. I spoke maybe to two people, though with the first he came up asking why I'm giving him the evil eye. I guess his two other friends told him I was looking but I can't help not to. He was vogueing for like a good half hour. At least, he took it lightly. I just laughed when he spoke to me and told him that I didn't mean anything bad when I was staring. I forget that sometimes, I tend to stare at people when they do something I find interesting.. or if they're them the second look, the third look.

 The second one he came up to me rubbing my stomach and asked how I was doing. I answered but didn't say anything after that. As much as I wanted to make out with somebody hahaha. I guess I wasn't in a talking mood. The music was okay at the club, but I still enjoyed it. Just looking at the interactions going on, and learning from it. That way I can go back and get my game on. Doubt it though.

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