Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm bald again

It's Tuesday now as I finish writing this. Was meaning to write all morning but got sidetracked with all the people calling *shocks
It was a good weekend. It apparently was nice up here in DC but I found out a little bit too late. I've made plans to make my way back to Hampton, which is a three-hour drive which as some of you would know where I used to live unitl December during my time in the military. I really haven't gone back since I left, but lately I kinda felt the need to come back to something familiar even for a little bit. I really wouldn't say that it was homesickness since my time there wasn't really the greatest, partly due to me as well and some things that went on.

I actually stayed at M-'s house whom I dated late '06. We dated for like three weeks but with me getting out of the military, being undecided what to do next, it kinda made things complicated and it sorta fizzled. He thought I didn't like him, which I did but I was confused about what my next step will be so kinda let if fall by the wayside eventhough I was starting to develop feelings for him. 

I made my drive straight after work last Friday and it was crrrrazy. Took me an hour to drive 20 miles, getting away from the NoVA area. I didn't get to where I needed to go 'til about 2015 (8:15 pm for you civilian folks kidding!!) I was a bit tired but I was glad I made the trip. I got a bit nostalgic driving down the streets I used to drive in, and the sunset was just amazing. It just had the perfect shade of orange and I was just in awe looking at it from the rear view mirror. Things appear bigger that way too. M- has three labradors, and I kinda missed those dogs too. I didn't know what to get for him, so I ended up getting some squeaky toys for the dogs instead and none for him. I seriously didn't know what to get. I suck at gift-giving. I didn't realize how cute those toys were, I was wanting to keep one for me.

I got there, and after freshening up a bit, we stepped out and went to the Ghent area. I loved this area since they have an independent theater and video rental store that I used to go to. Getting to watch some indie films, and brit sitcoms The Vicar of Dibley, the Peep Show, etc. We went to a Texas grill place and just caught up on what each other has been up to, etc. The topic of us came up eventually and we were able to talk about it. How it just sorta passively ended leaving both of us not in the know of what actually happened. We've both moved on but I did miss him for a bit, just laughing with him, talking with him. I pretty much told him how I felt. I know it's past but I think we both needed that conversation, call it closure if you will. He told me he was glad to hear those things, coz I did let him know I reconsidered staying in the area after I've met him. 2006 wasn't the greatest to be honest, I had a hard time making friends, and with the deaths in the family, seeing them and having to come back to aloneness, it got the best of me. I pulled away from everybody, resurfacing in the world for a bit of air, then sinking back down. Towards the end, I liked it a bit more living in Hampton after having met M-. I'd go to work smiling, having someone to look forward to seeing. Ah well, that's the past. What can you do but move forward.
This drink he had me try was actually good. Instead of ordering just margarita, you can ask for margarita vodka or vodka margarita, with no salt. He told me instead of using tequila, they would use vodka instead. Either vodka margarita or margarita vodka, I seriously don't remember haha. What I know about alcohol is pretty much limited. I use the bathroom like crazy when I drink so guess that's good my system flushes it right out.
Saturday, it's more of a lazy day and we went to an Italian place and had calzone. It's been my favorite ever since I got to eat it the first time back in Oct when we had it when I first met M-. We just went to the mall and walked around, and we were gonna see Grindhouse but it wasn't playing until 10 pm. The alergy pill made us both tired so we just left and went back to his place. Stopping by Naro in between, grabbing some Dairy Queen shake thinking it'll wake us up, and the rental store to get some movies. Got Shortbus and Monsters Inc since he hasn't seen either one. I haven't seen Shortbus, and now that I have I really can't say that I like it or not. I don't know what to think of it really. He just stayed in, while I got ready to meet out with my friend MJ-. I haven't seen her since I left so it was good catching up again after all this time. We just went to a club and danced around mostly. Boy, were we drenched. The club was packed and we felt like dancing after just watching people dance for an hour. We left a little bit after they stopped serving alcohol but I sat around for a bit to sober up. Not that I had that many drinks. I had maybe three!? But I tend to drink them like soda, drink it right up in like 5 minutes. I didn't get back to M's place til like 4 since I got lost. MJ- told me to make a right turn at this one street. I remembered the street name but not which way to take so made a left and just kept on going....and going...and going. After stopping at a gas station, I just looked up the directions and find my way back in no time. Got McDonald's pancake and sausage yummmm.. Good thing the woman didn't hear me the first time I ordered and asked for a sausage muffin, but seeing that they had pancakes, I remembered how much I liked it. When I was working at McDonald's, I'd order pancakes and sausage for dinner. I just love pancakes, I eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner when I get in the mood. I didn't use syrup until moving to the U.S. though. What we did is put sugar, and evaporated milk on it instead of butter and syrup. I didn't even know what syrups were.
Didn't wake up 'til 10 and we planned on having brunch at least, MJ-, M- and I but that didn't happen. M- sister was gonna come by around noon to go some music and arts show they had in DC, and MJ- was gonna go to a birthday party of the boy she babysits. I messaged my other friend J- and asked if he was busy. I was planning to just have short brunch with him but we ended up just sitting there for like three hours, shooting the breeze and talking. I kinda stopped e-mailing him after having moved here, just questioning some things. Eventhough we've become good friends, how I met him was kinda shady since he pretended to be somebody else. He thought I was cheating with his bf so he used a pseudonym trying to get information from me. He asked if I go to a site called adam4adam which I never heard of until he mentioned it teehee. He explained everything to me later on and it really didn't bother me, or I thought it didn't.
I guess I do trust easily but I really can't not to. I've met some people that are just cynical, realistic maybe but I can't not trust. I can't go through life thinking something bad is going to happen, and that I can't trust people in this time and age. I've been wronged but that won't stop me from believing that of the good out there. There's so much goodness around, but people tend to focus on the wrongs. Maybe it's just because nothing major has happened to me yet to make me think otherwise. I've just always relied on people's kindness, and I think to an extent, you get what you put out in the universe. Teehee, you get what you put out. But joking aside, I really rely on strangers navigating through this life. I always think back when I was 16, lost in Tallahassee trying to find my way back to the FSU campus. I was waving people down (back when I didn't know what the hitchhiking sign was) but eventually just came up to one car and took my chances. Knocking on the poor guy's window, asking him if he can take me to FSU since I can't find my way around and I needed to be back in 15 minutes or I won't graduate from the Boys State program. He did gave me ride, and eventhough I took his name down, didn't really get to send him a thank you note or anything. That has been five years ago, and since then I've done the same. I've given rides to folks, a woman who I gave a ride since it'll be pointless waiting for the bus for like half an hour, a couple who managed the Bailey and Barnum circus who bought an LCD TV and instead of having to walk a mile or two to get to their train right next to the train station. The guy actually told me to give them a call and offered to tour me around, show me the animals, and get me in to the show for free. Did I go? No. But regardless, doing these things really doesn't take much out of one's time. I just try do my part when I see someone who needs a little help, remembering what it was like when I was in their shoes, that it was a random act of a stranger that made all the difference, whether they realize it or not.
And I was just writing about the weekend. Went a little off but after talking with J- for a few hours, I had to make my way back. He told me not to write about what happened next when we were by our cars shooting the breeze. A bird did a kamikaze attack on him. He's giving me a hard time over something, and out of nowhere you just see this mass just fall right on his forehead. That was the funniest thing, seeing the whole thing unfold.
I made it home 3 1/2 hours later. Got showered, tried shaving and messed up my moustache, I shaved off a bit more than I intended making it look like a triangle. So just shaved it all off, it feels weird not having it since I look different. A little bit later, after watching Planet Earth, I got the urge to shave my hair so now I'm bald again, or skinhead a better term.

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