Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pride weekend

I went to the parade by myself since most guys I sorta knew in the area, they didn't want to go since they've seen it before or they didn't care for it. I actually got to Dupont ten minutes after the parade started, I hope I didn't miss much.

I had a good time overall. I stood next to a bunch of German girls right across from Books a million. There was an older guy right in front of me, and one of the girls standing next to him. A little bit after being there, the guy eventually turned to his right and asked the girl if she knew how to speak English. She said, yes and the guy asked her if she can quit moving around since her bag is bumping into him because "It is SOOOooo annoying!"I felt bad for the girls, that I looked at them and made the crazy sign telling them not to pay attention to the guy. We pretty much were laughing throughout when we'd turn and look each other, and say "It is sooo annoying." I had nothing to say since I didn't speak German but it got the point across.

I really enjoyed the parade but really won't talk about it since it's probably the same everywhere else. You have the jocks, twinks, bears, leather daddies, etc etc. The parade lasted a little over an hour and once that's done with, I made my way to Cobalt, well maybe 20 minutes or so AFTER the parade. I seriously got lost in that little area and can't remember for the life of me how to get there from the Dupont Circle. S- was there so it was nice hanging out with him again. I met two of his friends but of course, I forgot their name. It was good catching up, though eventually we had a bit of a discussion. Well more of him telling me why he hasn't been in touch with me. I'm still confused over the talk so really won't get into it, but there's been words going around that involves me and him.

Most people who have seen us assumed that we're together for some reason. When either me or him would go to this one bar, people would ask where the other one was. The way that I answered might have been taken in the wrong context. I'm kinda lost really. I told S- to give me names of who's been saying things if he wants to clarify what's been going on since its not my habit to talk about him when he's not around. I'm just not gonna bring his name up during a convo. He kept threatening to just leave but I grabbed him and said that no one's leaving until this is settled. Things were eventually straightened out and that made me glad. I know I've only known S- for a few weeks but it'll feel weird not to be friends with him any longer. He was saying something about dropping me but I hope he wouldn't do that. Ok, I'm kinda in awe seeing myself mirrored in him. Some of the things I deal with internally, I see reflected in him and I think it'll be a good learning experience sorta seeing myself from the outside, if that makes sense.

I crashed at his place and got up really early to make my way home since I volunteered to help out at the Pride Festival. I fell asleep on the train though, and was on a completely different line. I catch the Blue line home to Van Dorn St but woke up at Huntington which is the last stop for the Yellow line. I make the transfer at King St but from just waking up, and looking at a station I've never been too, I thought Where the hell am I? But then all you really could do is chuckle at how funny it was.

I signed up to do the Bracelet Brigade for the first few hours of the festival. I was given 50 bracelets and would try to get people to donate $5 in exchange for it. This entailed having to come up to people asking them if they'd want a bracelet. I didn't know how to paraphrase though instead of saying "Would you...?" which of course, they can simply say no to. I got all 50 "sold" so really happy about that. I was kinda cursing myself for getting myself into thsi but at the same time, was actually enjoying the experience. It's great getting to see people from all walks of life, all these diversity coming together. Granted some makes you want to slap them but it was good three hours over all. Some I chatted with, telling me where they're from, etc and one guy telling me jokes. "How do you know a potato's a prostitute?" "When it comes from Idaho." I'll admit he had me laughing at that one. With what I was doing, I guess I did have to stay positive since for every person that says no, somebody would have to say yes. Some folks didn't even take a bracelet. They just donated their cash saying it's for a good cause. How can one not perk up hearing folks say that.

After getting all 50 bracelets off of my hand, I really didn't feel like hanging around to check out the festival. I think having to talk to all these people kinda tired me out, but then, having slept seven hours the past two days might be the culprit. Drove back home, lay down and passed out. Waking up for a little bit, then falling right back to sleep. I was planning to study for an exam at least after getting home but that didn't come to fruition. But 'ey, I don't think I would have wanted my weekend any other way.

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