Sunday, March 25, 2007

Different faces, the same old town

Most folks I've hang out with are all from out of town. It's a bit odd how Thursday, I was feeling a bit down like I did the week before and all because E- didn't call. Wednesday, the 15th we were supposed to have dinner or something, I'm not even sure anymore but come Thursday, I didn't want to be home so I e-mailed this one guy about possibly volunteering at their organization. At first, he said it was all filled in but ended up telling me to come by arund 6:45 pm. I ended up leaving work later than usual after getting tied up with a user's problem but it was my running day, and I didn't want to skip so I went home instead of just hangingn around DC until then.

It was raining, and for the life of me I don't know why I didn't leave about an hour I was supposed to show rather than 30 mins prior which I did. Come 6:30 and I'm just barely making my way in to DC, and I didn't have the guy's phone number so really can't call him and tell him I won't make it. Well, I got close to where I needed to be, but since my shift was ending in 15 mins, I decided to just make the best of the night and go to happy hour instead. Drove around the Dupont Circle trying to find a parking spot, and I found one though the bar I was planning to go to was about eight blocks away. I got to the bar, and it didn't look like it was open and I was a bit disappointed because of it. Well, it LOOKED like it was close but upon coming up to the door, and giving it a pull, lo and behold there were people inside. Granted I was nervous, but not enough to stop me from drinking. Just enough drinks so I won't think about E-.

So just sat by the bar, and ordered some drinks, singing along to the music videos playing. It felt a bit weird being there by myself, ok, lonely's the more approriate term, but what can a new guy in town really do, ya know? After being there for I think 20-30 minutes, this one guy came up to me and told me how his friend kinda fancied me and how I should join them instead of sitting there all by myself. I was having second thoughts about it, but figured what am I really gonna lose having a drink with them. I pretty much scooted just two stools over and chatted with them. I didn't like the one who wanted to talk to me. He had a bit of a drink and was a bit obnoxious. It made it worse when he told me how he was still trying to make his mind up about me, as if that's gonna make my evening complete if I find out that he did like me. I shrugged off his comment, and just talked to the one that came up to me, P-. We hit it off better, just talking about things, where he grew up, where he's living now, where he went to school, etc. He doesn't actually live here in DC, he lives back in Chicago but came here for his brother's sister-in-law's funeral. He just flew in earlier that day. Ok, it's only been a week and I can't remember the other guy's name anymore, the obnoxious one which is actually pleasant and has a good sense of humor when he's sober.

I ended up talking to P- most of the night, but I really couldn't stay out long with it being a work night and all. Well and the happy hour ended at 9. I told them that I'm probably gonna head out in a moment, and P- asked if I wouldn't mind stopping at this other bar for a little bit before making my way home. I told him I'm not too sure about that, but ended up going anyways. I might not even see him again so just be in it for the experience. We made our way to the second bar but I didn't get any more drinks since I'm gonna have to drive home soon. Just talked some more to P- and later on ended up dialing my phone number on his cell without him knowing. I was feeling a bit bold that evening, and I remember thinking, how we're getting along okay. Pretty soon, we had to go however since his sister and niece were at the bus station in Silver Spring and he would have to pick them up. The other guy was MIA so we made our way downstairs and said our goodbyes, well tried to. We ended up kissing, but not for long since I was insisting he leave so his sister won't be waiting on him for a long time. He was parked just down the road, so I told him to just go and I'll walk to mine which was on the other side of the circle. He wanted to drop me off by my car, but I told him don't worry about it since it's not too far. Well that and I wasn't too sure where I parked either hahaha. All I remember was a church I passed by when I was walking but that's it. I still get confused with the streets.

It was drizzling so I told him fine, he can give me a ride. He sorta forgot where he parked so we were walking around the block with him trying to remember his spot. Just chit-chatted a bit more, and he was telling me how it was good meeting me and such. Instead of saying good meeting him too, I blurted out "Yea, I know." He just started laughing and kidded how I'm so full of myself. I seriously have no idea where that yea i know came from but ah well.

We finally found his car, though it took us 15 mins trying to find mine however. I felt bad since his sister had to wait even longer, but he wouldn't let me get out of the car and just walk around to find mine. He was saying how it wasn't fair, and I just uttered Oh brotherrrr. We finally found my car, so said our goodbye's and how we might see each other later. He wanted to hang out the next day but I knew better that it probably wouldn't happen.

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