Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I felt like dancin, dancin!

I finally got to see a 'concert' for the first time. I found out last week that Scissor Sisters were playing here in D.C. over the weekend. Of course, it was sold out since the tickets have probably been on sale for a few weeks, or maybe months in advance. I really wanted to go since Rey has seen them sometime last year and mentioned how good their show was.

I looked around in Craigslist and found someone who was selling his tickets, for a price I came to find out later on was twice as much. It was sooo worth it, their show was just energetic and had me dancing and singing along, eventhough I wasn't drunk anymore. I just sang along to songs from their first CD since I really haven't listened to their new one. I've known about them for maybe two and a half years now, and listened to them just about daily when my mom was in Japan. I had a 10-minute commute to work since I pretty much lived right outside the base, and every morning on my way to work, would play It Can't Come Quickly Enough. I played Take Your Mama, of course to my mom, tryna tell her that you know, but yea she probably thought I was joking. I even have a vid singing along to it while taking a break from cleaning while she filmed me. I can probably share some with me and her just goofing off, but then just random strangers would see them, what to do, what to do. I sure miss her sometimes but she doesn't need to know that. I don't even remember where I got it from, but I called her filthy whore as a term of endearment. And I used to go around the house and say in deep voice "
Gusto ko babae!" (I want a woman!) but yea, she just laughs since she know what's up. I'm just sitting here smiling, remembering.

Her interview is in two weeks by the way, though once approved, she'll wait 'til after my grandad's one-year death anniversary before she leaves. Such a devotion to her parents. I think I take after her traits more than I admit, she's the one who remembers all the birthdays, the important 'dates' which I do too but silently in my heart and mind. I tend to think back, and say this time many years ago, this or that happened. I'd treat myself to a little something, like on the day I joined the military, I used to go to a restaurant and treat myself to a good meal. Getting back to the show....

I'm really glad I came eventhough I went by myself. I'm trying not to let it get to me, but I can't help it sometimes when I long for even just a friend to go with. It's odd though, after the show I was gonna meet up with a guy and his girl friend but once the show ended, I bolted right out and made my way home. That was my main thing this weekend. I actually was meaning to go out Friday night but changed after I found out about the show. I went to see a late showing of Reno 911 with Ch-, and just dropped him off since he wasn't feeling well. I texted him to see how he was, but oh well, haven't heard back since Sunday. Maybe we can just be friends. I guess I just find it refreshing meeting someone my age after meeting older guys mostly the past few years, from five years older to twenty-one years even haha. I go through phases though, I'd go on months and months and not meet guys.

I've been more active in the community as well. No, not sexually but I've started volunteering around the area. Just something to do until I start taking some classes, and maybe a way to meet folks. Find people to go hang out with, checking out museums, or catch a movie or see concerts even. I've met people since I've arrived here but kinda took a step back since it gets exhausting a bit sometimes. Meet, greet, ask each other questions, do it all over. It takes work but I'll get on it again. I try to go out more as well, maybe hit the bars or something. I've never gone to one during a happy hour so kinda curious to see what that's like. Tomorrow, there's actually a social to go ice skating. I'll sleep through and give it some thought since there will be about 60 people going. It's funny, if it was my cousin, I would have told her to go since she needs to meet people and here I am not taking heed to my own advice. I've never gone ice skating so it'll be a learning experience too. Then, I can go skatin, skatin!

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