Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A weekend friendship

Going back to Friday before last, P- and I made plans to meet up but I had a feeling it wasn't gonna happen. That was the day that the funeral was going to be held and I knew that he was gonna be tied up eventhough it wasn't a member of his family. I think I just did laundry and watched tv or movies, I don't remember now.

Saturday, just ran some errands and hang around the house mostly. It was my lazy day since I really didn't feel like going out either. Though I think P- called and ended up just leaving a message. I called him back not 'til later in the evening and just chatted briefly since they were out and about in the city. Agreed to speak with him tomorrow and see if we can at least hang out since it's his last day in DC.

I didn't fall asleep 'til about 5 am so I woke up around 11 am. Did I go to the gym on the weekend? Absolutely not, eventhough I was "supposed to." It's funny how I still think it's taking away some "me" time when I go to the gym. I used to go to Waffle House on a Sunday and just have a full breakfast, sunny side up eggs, toast, waffles and hot cocoa.. Mann, it is goood! Well I looked up where the closest one can be, and much to my dismay, the nearest one was 20 miles away. I'm a man who loves the Waffle House, but i really didn't feel like driving 40 minutes that day to just get some waffles since I sure would be hungry by the time I get back. There was an IHop a mile away so figured I'll go to that one instead. After I got on my car, phone rang and it was P- asking what I was doing. Told him how I was wanting waffles that day, etc though I really didn't ask him if he'd want to tag along since he's like 30 mins away. During the course of the convo, we ended up agreeing of just meeting in the Dupont area and find a waffle place.

I drove to DC, during which I was really hungry. However, I have a stash of Chips Ahoy in my car so that staved off the hunger for a bit. It was such a lovely day. The sun is out shining, though the wind's blowing a bit strong. What a waste of driving time if I don't sing along to some songs. So put on the Fever album by Kylie, and I was jamming. It's a great pop album eventhough it's been five years since it came out. I was joining the Air Force at that time. Her CD was the first thing I heard in the morning since it was my alarm. Here's that song Fragile since I know someONE has never listened to Kylie. Give it a listen ok? I'm a sucker for pop, well pretty much Kylie or the Spice Girls, choreographies and everything. Of course, i cringe when the family teases me about dancing around to the Spice Girls back in the days. I'm kinda embarrassed sometimes to think I even danced in class and that's what some people remember the most in my sophomore year.

Got to DC though ended up not meeting with P- and the other guy 'til about an hour and a half after the agreed time. I was so hungry I stopped by Krispy Kreme and got some glazed donuts which is H-E-A-V-E-N. I didn't tell P- though 'til later on though. After finally meeting, we walked around the Dupont Circle and settled at a Thai place. The food was great, and the prices are reasonable that I came back the next day and ate the exact same thing :D It was nice, just sitting there talking and laughing, well they mostly did the talking. I didn't realize I was being quiet but apparently I was a little bit. But then, that's not always the case. I can be talkative in some times but I guess it just depends on who I'm with. I just thought about it since some guy at the bar a day later made the same comment how I'm so quiet. I tend to be I think in a group setting. Even if it's just three, it can be too much sometimes which I don't like by the way, since it's an odd number. Someone's bound to feel left out, that's how I feel! But then, it's usually me haha. My friends used to tell me not to think I'm a third wheel when they take me with them like if one of them is meeting his gf. Sooo getting back to the restaurant, oh I remember the other guy's middle name at least. I have a Lee t-shirt and he was talking about wanting to get one since that's his middle name. It is a nice t-shirt though I think it was what gave me away to my brother last year. The way I dress was brought up when we had a conversation about me being gay. Did I ever tell ya guys he knows now? Has since that reunion last year. It was a fun time, tricking P- into eating wasabi all by itself. Me and Lee had a kick out of that one. Lee was a cool guy when he's sober.

After having our meal at the Thai place, we made our way to starbucks to warm up a little since it was cold eventhough it was sunny. I was wearing a spring jacket which didn't help much but hey, I like that jacket. I didn't think I'll ever get a military-inspired one and yet here I am. It's starting to become a favorite of mine. Still second to this one. Pardon that it's almost too close to my face. That was my mom's last day in Japan (T_T) I'm gonna have to write down the message on the jacket since it is what kinda won me over.

We made our way out to Georgetown and ended up watching I Think I Love My Wife which I surprisingly liked. It is funny after all, eventhough I didn't like it seeing the previews for it. P- was paying for the movie so I didn't mind. After the movie ended, we dropped Lee off since he was going to go meet up with a friend for drinks. I told P- I'd probably make my way back to the house after that but that didn't happen. He asked me if I wouldn't mind staying for a little bit longer and check out the party he was invited to. My inside is screaming NO since groups exhaust me sometimes, but figured what the heck, just go and break out of the shell Kris. Which I did, though it really wasn't a party. It was some group get-together at some bars. Went to the first one, but everybody has left for the second one. Went to the second one, meh it was okay though I'm not making my way back out there again. Pretty much just spent the hour kinda talking to P-, or if not that, just stand by the wall while he dances around. I get too self-conscious in gay bars or gay clubs sometimes but ah well, I just really didn't feel like dancing.

It was a good weekend overall. It was nice meeting good folks like those two at a bar. A bar I would not have gone to if I wasn't feeling a bit down after E-. I haven't spoken to P- since he left though he has sent me an e-mail and left a voicemail over the weekend. He told me he gets busy during the week so I'll wait until this weekend to give him a call. It's good to make new friends, eventhough he's from out of town. It's a progress, soon enough I'll make some local ones which will definitely be nicer in experiencing this town.

I need to get to sleep, four and a half hours and gotta get up again. I don't know why I do this. I had plenty of time to rest, yet going to bed just now. Does this make me a night owl?

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